I am a 15 year old going through 16 right now. I have great interest on philosophy and actually came upon this web site when I was searching for guide on the chakras. Then I explored thorough the web sites and read all the abilities which people claimed to have. I believe I am able to sense the energy signature of any object and even tell how strong the energy is.
To start off, when I was a child around 5 to 6, I clearly remember until now that during this period of time, somehow I could make it rain whenever I wanted to. I am not joking. One incident was, my parents left in my relatives so they can babysit me. I don't quite remember it well but I can tell one thing for sure is when I was there, in the balcony I was just staring at the sky. So I was thinking "could I really make rain" as I had previous experience where I did.
So I just really concentrated on the sky for there to be rain. The quite clear sky in a matter or 10-15mins became dark and start pouring. This ability eventually vanished as I start going to school and learn about water cycle and bla bla, I still believe if science had not corrupted my mind saying rain is only natural and humans can do it, I would still able to make rain when I want.
A more recent ability I discovered was that I can sense the energy of an object. This ability actually was triggered after seeing the english drama series called "heroes" where one of the characters called sylar was able to use his mind to control any stuff. Telekinesis to be in fact. So after few episodes I start to imagine what if I could do and would pretend and imagine I was able to control stuff with my mind.
Then one day when I was really concentrating on an object I sensed a tingling feeling on my hands. As I concentrated more, I grew. When I got distracted it vanishes. So I tried concentrating on various objects and same results. Eventually after reading books and stuff, I start to think that I could sense the energy of an object. I am quite sure that tingling sense was in fact me sensing the energy of the object.
Please do tell me about what are the experience I am going through and I really want to discuss about this. Please do tell if it's ability I have, can I enhance it. I really want to get any sort of answer of course constructive ones not skeptic ones.
I can produce a powerful energy and tingling between my hands but don't know why? It's gets so strong that I can't push my hands together, it literally feels like I'm holding a breeze block. I have been able to summon this energy for as long as I can remember, but I don't feel I know how to control it properly or in fact what it's for.
I have a huge sense that I, or we are meant for a greater purpose but don't know why again? My dreams are filled with being able to fly and immortality.
My emotions are highly charged, and I seem drawn towards thing like meditations and reiki etc. I feel a huge sense of power inside my body and mind but lost at the same time.
I haven't spoken to anyone in detail about these feelings and sensations i.e. Family or friends with the risk of sounding crazy.
Also I feel a huge connection to the Universe and animals of which I can't explain, but I do get the feeling that maybe I'm on a spiritual journey or enlightenment.
I do tend to have a few nightmares too and quite often get the feeling that a force (maybe negative?) is holding me back.
I'm uncertain as to whether other people hold the answers I'm looking for but I would be interested in opinions, guidance etc, also I feel comfortable talking about my experiences here.
Kind regards,