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Real Psychic Experiences

Strange Experiences And Encounters


I know, that most of you will probably not believe this story, but I promise you that it is one hundred percent true! My friends and I have always had strange experiences and encounters. Mine started when I was about six, but I was always told that it was my active mind. Now, I know that it's not, I see, hear, and can talk to ghosts vividly! I have been on the bus and heard things that no one else did, or even at home, or in school. Sometimes it's voices, but most of the time it's hard to make out. Now, I've started noticing things that no one else does, that no one else even regards because they don't see anything. I was riding in the car once with my mom and little brother, when we passed a pair of kids (a girl who looked to be seven and a boy that looked to be five), neither of them noticed, and when I asked if we could give them a lift, she asked me who I was talking about! I called my friend, and she had been seeing a pair of kids too. That is the most recent event that has struck hard, and in the same day, two of my friends and I were walking outside at around 10 or 10:30 at night and we saw this flash of a dog shaped light stream that jumped in front of us. When we had started running, I looked back and saw something coming closer to us before it was tackled to the ground by the dog (as I think it is). We don't know what's going on and it's starting to get serious because now we are starting to feel things and get hurt by things that aren't there. Please, even if you don't believe me, send a comment that you think will help us! Please! We don't know what to do or how to do it, but we do know that we don't want to send them away because we want to know what they want. If you can help, we will accept your comments and any (appropriate) suggestions.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Seven24, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

seven25 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
thnks monica will turn to you if something happens yeah it is fun to se ghosts
monica600 (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
ohh your welcome my mom paid the internet today so it's not going to shut off so I am happy 😁 omo yeah he is going to know soon 😐 ah oh ohh don't worry my abilities are to see things too and I am a empathy and other things that I can not explain, but you both be careful wish guys the best 😁! P.S I love that you guys like your gift that is very good:)
seven25 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
have any thing else ionek would appriciate it if you just told us if you know how to cross them over
seven25 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
who said we were bragging we realy need help and no it is not a gift from the devil it is not bad and thanks for the help but I like my gift and she does to
seven25 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
thanks monica and no I don't think he knows about the post yet but I think he will soon
Hopebringer92 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
The archangel Asariel is important, contact him. He will englighten you and give some hints what to do:D
IONEK (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
dead eyes. See amongst the dead. The gift is rare. So rare 1/10 of the world have it. You can't however show these skills to others. These are meant for your eyes and your eyes only. For example. If you told me for instance the story you just wrote but in physical form with the snap of my fingers your gift just turns you into insanity. You won't be able to live life. Ill look into your soul and devlop a offering to gain my powers further. Do not mess with the wrong people. They will and can take this ability from you. Ifact I can feel 25% of your energy your a combination of a libra and a sagatarius correct me if I'm wrong. Your 6th sense its a gift from the devil. Your soul is his as easily mines. You keep your mouth shut. No one likes bragging.
Hopebringer92 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
Contact your guides and guardian angels. Also ask for some other divine help
monica600 (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
ohhhhh jessica and brittany I live in a Deltona to answer the question 😊 I see so it throws stuff do you mean like crazy fun or just girls having fun I do that with my friends all the time at school 😆 that is good that you have a protector thank god sometimes people don't have any at all. Also there is a bad one do you both know how he got attached too you? Does he feel like a spirit or something else if you know how too tell 0_o. OHHH he does not want to get rid of yeah now this sucks then is he hurting you for doing the story on the website? I don't know about me getting hurt hey I am not jinxing it at all cause they have there ways have others gotten hurt for helping? Also my internet is going to be cut off today and back on tomorrow or sunday so I might message back late 😢
Bye bye got to go to school I am running late.:)
seven25 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
we haven't really been able to get any answers so thanks but I would hate for you to get hurt by trying to help us it happens him dosnt like for us to find any help as to getting rid of him
seven25 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-07)
well to tell the truth the only reason a ghost is throwing stuff at her is cause he don't like it when she act crazy and we have ghosts protecting us and we try to ignore one in particular (he is the bad one) but he just keeps coming back we have been getting scars from him (that is what we call him "him") do you live in siloam springs by the way my name is jessica and she is brittany
monica600 (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-06)
OK well I am 15 about to turn 16 and I do believe you so don't worry. Right now I don't really know what is going on cause I never encountered one of those experiences my family is protected by my ancestors nothing can come near us all they can do is wait out side of our homes but even then they cannot hurt come near me they seem scared. Your family does not seem to have the sight so it could of skip a generation if your family did have abilities they could help you both protect yourselves. My family taught me how to fight demons and keep them weak. Also so you are Now getting hurt and feeling things too you both have to be careful you got to be strong don't show fear cause trust me in a split second depending what it is they will attack. Trust me take it from family experience you might not want to talk to it they can get attached and might never want to leave. I know sometimes I hear people can get them too move on but I would not want to do that since I don't know how too do it I would not want to make matters worse 😐 GOOD LUCK! I had to get rid of a bad demon once trust it was hard my family make it seem it was easy ohh no it was not 😠so I know some how somewhere out there someone can help. Anyways I wish you both the best! Have any questions just ask k.I am not fully trained yet but this is the advice I can give you both sorry that I don't know what too do. 😳
seven25 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-06)
hey I am one of her friends and this is true I can see them to plzz believe us and reply

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