According to my mom when I was little I would sit in my room with the door shut and would play with my great-grandma I had never met because she died before I was born. I can feel when their is more than just one energy in a room especially if I'm alone, I can automatically sense/feel it. Most of the time I'm able to see spirits/ghosts, I try and concentrate when I see them so I can draw information about them.
This past summer I was at my mom's friends house and I keep having this really bad pain in my body especially in my chest. Everyone was outside and I
Went in and upstairs, when I started to feel sick to my stomach and I saw two little girls, dressed as if they were going somewhere very proper like church, blonde hair all done. I closed my eyes and knew things about their death, their names, how old they were, the name of their mom (murderer of them), things about their funeral, all these facts about them. I didn't really understand and still really don't. When I told my mom about this she knew what I was talking about because our aunts friend was the aunt to these girls. If you're wondering what horrific murder I'm talking about google Zeeland, MI cambel murders. This has happened several other times it's not always I see these spirits I just end up knowing who they are what happened and where. My mom's friend (in this case) ended up buying the house of which these girls were murdered by their mother. I really want to know what's going on and what it means.
If anyone wants to more about what other things have happened or more about what happened with the cambel murders feel free to email me. Or if you have any advice that would help me, comment or email.