My name is Nicole, and almost every dream that I have had, has actually come true! It's really weird, because I constantly have random moments of where I could just be walking anywhere, and then all of a sudden I feel a "dejavu," moment! It always happens, and I'm kind of scared because sometimes I have nightmares, and all of my dreams actually happen within a 1-2 year period.
Another thing is that, I have moments of which I can think of something before it actually happens, for example who is calling me on my phone/home phone, or if my parents are going to say something.
Another thing that involves my dreams, is OOBE, (out of body experiences.) I am trying my hardest to learn how to control these, but sometimes they just randomly happen while I am sleeping, and all of a sudden I am just floating up above my body! I can't move an inch no matter how hard I try, but I actually feel like I'm fully awake. These are very strange, and a lot of things happen to me while I'm sleeping! I can even hear people talking while this is happening. I don't know if anyone else has had these, but if you have, are you able to control them? I can't exactly control them perfectly, but I really am trying to be able to have them whenever I want, and to be able to stop them from happening.
Also, has anyone ever had an experience in which a dream that they had has come true? Because it's really odd! Also, I really wonder how it happens! Is this normal to happen? Or is it a sign of another sense? If anyone has had an experience like me, please comment below because I really am mystified! Thank you! -Nicole