I was dating a young man a year ago "Billy". We both had a very strong connection to one another right off the bat. One night we had talked on the phone for hours, almost until the sun rose. Right after hanging up the phone and closing my eyes I had visions of thousands of snakes, bugs and all kinds of creepy crawlers. Then the "suicide" flash in bold letters. As one can imagine, it creeped me out. I shook it off and went to sleep.
A few days later, I had walked in on a close friend of my passed out from a suicide attempt (pills and alcohol), I felt perhaps I had fore-seen her attempt. However a few weeks later when I went to visit Billy at his apartment, he told me that his uncle, whom he was close to committed suicide (overdose) I stayed with him for the weekend to console him. Billy's uncle looked just him Billy. Months later, his close friend committed suicide (car exhaust?).
I have had strange feelings of deva ju, and there has been some report of physic ability in the family. I have spoken to both of my parents and they both say that at times they see things. At times I feel energy around me (kind of like someone is standing next to you, but no one is there?) I don't know if this is a fluke, or if I have a genuine gift?
I am no longer dating Billy, we remain good friends but this still shakes me up at times. Sometimes I wonder if it was my connection to him, if I was sensitive to his emotions as well as my friend.
I did tell Billy of my dream after his uncle's suicide (prior to his good friend's suicide). It didn't look at my crazy, thank goodness but still at times I wonder if it was genuine or a fluke?
The purpose is so they they align with our energy.
For some individuals they feel an electrical feeling,
Other sense and know they are present. It is our minds
That talk us out of acceptance. Because we people
Prefer to believe something we can physically see.
So I encourage you to talk to your guide for everything: such as the problem in your life that come up. Asking for help on situations am and pm and thoughout the day/night.
The idea of seeing bugs/snakes/creepy crawling things has to do with Negative energy.
With the snakes many people whom have dipped their appetite in drugs for recreational purposes have the neon green or red snakes.
This can also occure from prescribed meds which have gone on for long period of time.
(You may have seen these pictures on a Psychic channel: were a person took pictures and saw snakes around them in the picture.) It was on Tv in US and
Shown here in the UK also.
People become afraid of seeing or sensing these items.
But we humans have all the power in the world to send them on their way.