I'm currently 34weeks pregnant, and it has been about 4 months now since I found out about what my dreams might actually be hinting me.
For this 4 months, I've been dreaming about people whom are close to me or those that I haven't seen in awhile. But surprisingly, bad things always happens to them.
I tried to warn those who are close to me and those that actually believe that my dreams do come true. But somehow I cannot help much because I don't know what is to happen.
I can only know that it is a bad thing to anybody that I dream Of.
The first time I realize was when I dream of an ex boyfriend consecutively for almost a week. I told my best friend about it and he said that I probably missed my ex. But I went with my gut and texted him saying that something is going to happen to him. 2 weeks later, I found out from his mum that his grandfather passed away. But it doesn't end there. A month later I dreamt of his mum, 2 weeks later she said she had been sick for a week and none of the medicine helped. They are not the only one.
Up to now, more than 10 people has been really affected, those that I know of that told me themselves.
Is there any meaning to all this? Sometimes I felt like a jinx, other times I just cannot believe that all this is happening to me. Anyone who experience the same thing or can anybody enlighten me? I need some answers.
I used to be able to predict someone whom I know of is going to die without really knowing who it will be. But now it is really scaring the hell out of me.