am 15 years of age, and I'm saddened to say I think I'm physic. Or rather, I think I have obtained a form of paranormal median.
You see, ever since I was a young girl, I would have very vivid dreams. Some of them would come true; and I'd get this terrible déjà vu sensation that would send chills up my spine. It still happens to me quite often.
I always was sensitive to the air, or aura around me. I would often stand back and judge a person's energy, or the vibe they would give me. My intuition would always be on key. I find myself rapidly changing my personality, shifting to whatever persona the person I was socializing with would want. I found myself rooting to different people, some complete strangers, and wiggling my way in to their private lives, gaining trust and connecting to them with a deeper connection.
I also find myself "Feeling" the vibe of different rooms. For example, one of my school's bathrooms gave me a terrible, sinking feeling every time I entered it. I felt immediately anxious and despaired. I found out later that month that one girl had committed suicide in that bathroom! My gut-feelings seemed to be pushing me in the direction that something terribly, terribly wrong had happened there. And I had been right.
Also, I had gotten a palm reading, and the reader told me I was a very old and wise soul, which rang true. I've never fit in with my peers. I've always felt different and on edge, as if I couldn't exactly harmonize with them. She also said I had the "Physic Vein" or something like that. Saying I could have physic abilities that ran in my blood-line. I never imagined it would ring true.
And finally, I made contact with what I believe was three young spirits, or ghosts, in my mother's house. She would complain about things moving on their own, or hearing laughter when she was alone. I used a home-made recorder and an audio enhancer, to discover several unfamiliar voices speaking in the white noise to me. They didn't say much. They said three names, "Mandy, Carol, Johnny". They also spoke, "help, I want play," and "go".
I want to use my abilities to my best. I need to talk to someone who won't discourage me. Help?