When I was a very young child, roughly four, I used to be obsessed with dogs. However, when I would dream about being an animal in my sleep, I was never a dog. I was always a giant serpent whenever I was an animal. I've looked all over the internet for dream meanings involving actually BEING the snake rather than SEEING or otherwise experiencing a serpent. The web seems incapable of processing the fact that I was typing in BEING the snake. Anyway, here's the rest of the story:
This was years before Harry Potter, and even more years before I ever heard the term "parseltongue", so don't try to say that I saw that movie and was affected by it. No, it's not that.
I had these snake dreams quite often, despite my severe lack of serpentine encounters. In my entire life I've only ever been in the presence of a handful of snakes, and most of them I only saw for a few moments outside. Here's what would happen in these dreams:
I would be very ravenous, and was always hated by the local humans. These dreams usually lacked other animals. My appearance was of a huge (likely several hundred pounds) and long (more than fifty feet) usually dark-colored snake though at least once I was bright green. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that snakes shed skins and sometimes change colors as they go through life. I was a constrictor, and I was often both the hunted and the hunter. My most profound serpent dream memory was of a time when there was another snake, one that was white and another color, a female, who was with me. A knight was sent from a kingdom nearby to kill us because of the outrage of the locals. Throughout my dreams I had destroyed many villages, devouring many people or destroying the entire village in a state of rage. The knight came and we fought him, it was a long difficult fight, and he managed to kill my partner, but was devoured by me. I notice that this dream has some similarities with the legend of the white snake from Chinese lore. Furthermore all my life it has felt as if I'm a widower, and certain women seem to remind me of someone or something that I can't figure out (sometimes this results in a short-lived infatuation but I have had this happen so many times that I recognize it but ignore it when it happens) and instantly get a soft spot with me. I'm a fairly abrasive person so this is surprising. It has been many years since I last dreamt of being the massive serpent, but these are amongst my most strong memories.
Also, I have never liked when people insult snakes or encourage killing snakes. I've never owned one though I wouldn't mind it sometime in the future. I find David Icke immensely offensive, I don't believe what he speaks about but I must admit that I feel fear about this, if he is correct (let's say he is for the sake of discussion) I fear that those may have some influence on me or that perhaps I have a link with them or am them and don't realize it. I doubt this, but I wouldn't have come here if not for an open mind. I've never seen the movie Aladdin, I bring this up only because I have heard that the villain was a sorcerer who had a snake. Furthermore I have read that snakes in lore have a lot to do with vengeance, something that I hold in high importance. Lore also seems to consider snakes to be wise, and most people I have ever established a relationship with consider me wiser beyond my years and tend to come to me for opinions or insights (when they're in my age group or younger). Also, as we all know, serpents are regarded as the rebel, and I have always been the anti-establishment authority questioner who usually ends up loosing something due to it. When I was young teachers disliked me intensely, and considered me the source of problems in their classrooms, but all considered me intelligent.
Ultimately my main query is whether or not it is the opinion of you all that I may have some kind of connection with serpents. If I do, how can I strengthen it or better understand it? Throughout history there appears to have been "parselmouths" of sort, and my case seems especially unique due to the fact that not even Google understands what I am meaning when I type in "what do dreams about BEING a snake mean". So, in conclusion, what do you think?