People just bear with me but when I was really young around the age of 6 I use to live in this house. It's kind of hard to explain it but I use to call it "the line" between heaven and hell because in certain rooms at certain time I would ether feel like I was being watched by either a demon or an angle. Well one night, and this will always haunt me, I was laying in my bed, in my house I didn't have a door and right in front of my bed room is a hall way, when I saw this ugly, hunched over, thing it kind of looked like a little person and it looked straight at me. I can remember its eyes where bright red. It was heading to my parents room until it saw me. Then it started to walk to me. I was hiding under the covers by then. But when I looked in its eyes, and it was only a second, I knew I had to do something. So I started to whisper "demon go away. Demon go away." and when I look out from under the covers it was gone.
That's when my life started to go downhill. My parents started to fight a lot and with end 2 years they got a devoice. I started to see shadows, see visions, and other things. My grandma's house, which use to be a house of joy and safeness became a house that quite frankly scares the heck out of me to this day.
This is how it all started. And I have been seeing ghost ever since.
I don't know what it is but when I enter a house I can feel the energy in the house or even I a certain room.
At school last year we were investigating the rumors about the girls locker room where a girl hung her-self I kept seeing shadows and visions. It was horrible, what they did to that girl before she died. They tied her up and slammed on the lockers. There was so much emotion in that one room. Pain. Anger. Hurt. Then I saw her. Not in real life but in a vision. She kept trying to shake me. She was screaming at me. Saying "tell them! Tell them!" I almost cried. And if you knew me you would know that I hardly ever cry not even at funerals. When she was saying tell them she meant my friends that where with me. They knew that I could hear spirits and until that day no spirit could touch me. But she did. She pushed me out the door. When we walked out my right hand was shaking so badly my friends thought I was having a spasm attack.
Later that day one of my friends that was with me, Wendy, said that she thought that Courtney, another girl that went with me, had been possessed in 7th period. So I asked Courtney about it. She said that she couldn't remember that whole class period. She said that Wendy said that she acted weird that whole period. The kept saying that her name was Sylvia and that she hated me because I didn't help her and I was the only one that could understand her. That day ended and we haven't tried to contact her again.
I'm going back to school in august and I'm terrified to go back. I'm only 13 I need help! Please send me some advise. I'm not lying and no one in my family believes in ghost, so I'm afraid what this ghost might do to my friends and family.