This really isn't a story. But I'm new here, so here goes. I'm here because of the cliché experience I had. You know the one where a psychic tells you you're psychic? Well that happened to me.
I have reason to believe her. I've had a handful of psychic experiences. Just ones like, seeing a ghost or two when I was little, dreams coming true. Just small stuff really. I've even taken an interest in tarot cards as well.
I don't know where exactly to start. The concept of being psychic is alien to me. But it's something I think that I'm meant to do. Just a feeling I've been having lately. It scares me really. I don't want to fail.
I've read everything I can get my hands on about being psychic and developing it. But I think I need an actual psychic to help me.
So the point is, I do need help. Developing this and maybe one of you can give me some tips, anything really. Considering I'm a teenager and all. So yeah, that's it. Thanks.