I have a small mark that I was born with in the center of my forehead. It's shaped like a small eye. Sometimes it tickles, like when I am around people or just when I am thinking (it's tickling now as I am writing this.)
My Mom has the same mark and so does my Aunt. Both were born with them also. My Aunts mark is really big though. I know the "third eye" or a "chakra" is located there. That spot is also where Hindus place a "bindu" or mark of vermillion during worship practices. But my mark like I said I was born with, it's deep in my skin. No I am not hindu and it is not a bindu.
I looked up a marks on forehead on the internet and the bindu thing came up. And some things about Buddha which I do not understand to much. I know there are a lot of psychics here who probably have an answer. Your answer will be really appreciated. I also want to know does any one here at this site have a similar mark on their forehead.
I never asked my Mom about it or what it meant. I just want to know more about it, if it does mean anything. Also when I meditate... That's when I really feel it tickling. Maybe it is part of why I am clairsentient.
If you have answers just email me at rickystar3 [at] hotmail [dot] com or leave a message and I will send you the picture of the marking.