So when I get really stressed out, I will take time out of my day and will just sit and meditate. I am very, very connected to everything that is going on while I do this.
Well the most recent time I did this I was well beyond angry, I do not like feeling like this because I feel as if someone will just say something wrong and I may become violent (temper this bad for me is EXTREMELY rare.) While stewing in what was going on I decided I am going to sit here find the right music and start just a 15 minute meditation period. While doing this I would let the beat of the music relax and soothe me, as I did this more and more my body on its own started to sway to the music. I started to feel honestly connected and in tune with the music and myself this felt as if I was in much deeper meditation that I have ever been in.
My mantra during this was breathe in the positive and exhale and spit out the negative. I continued saying this in my mind while in tune with the music for what seemed to be hours, I started to feel my body relax only to out of nowhere I see these orange beads leaving my body into a pink cloud above my head, the more I continued my mantra the more it would relax me. After watching these beads swirl around and above my head for again felt like hours I would see another line of beads coming in and connecting to my heart and these ones were pink. I finally relaxed and just watched myself be filtered, again this is something I have never seen before while meditating. But I will say when I was finished I have never felt so relaxed and had forgotten what exactly I was angry at.
Could this have been me cleaning my chakra and restoring the positivity because I was afraid of my own temper? I have tried to reenact this but have been unsuccessful. Any helpful tips?