This is my second story of my psychic abilities, my other story can be found here: Dream or Vision? I can see the future in my dreams (as shown above), but what I also noticed is that somehow I "plan" my future.
Let me explain more on this. If I have some kind of feeling personal or not it comes true. Sometimes I just make wishes and sometimes I just think about something and it happens. This is becoming a problem since I am now a teenager, I have different feelings and emotions witch I normally end up hurting somebody. (I will list examples below) Another problem is that it has to come from the heart. I can't just wish that my family will win the lotto because it just doesn't come from my heart. The actual problem there is I can't really control it. It just happens within the next day or so. So I don't really have time to rethink my actions if it's going to happen the next day of school. I will now list some examples so you get a better picture of what I am experiencing.
1. The one time I really didn't feel like going to school. While we went to the car I just said like in a talk voice "I wish the car wouldn't start". Amazingly the car didn't start and it worked the previous day. We checked and nobody has messed with it. After we got a plan to take me to school I didn't think about anything so I couldn't stop it. When I came home the car mysteriously worked again. Previously it was like it didn't even have an engine!
2 .There was this bully that kept making fun of me and teasing me although I am stronger than him, but I didn't want to get in trouble. I walked away and told my friends "I really wish he would break his leg or something so he can't bully anyone anymore...". The next day he didn't come to school, nobody knew why until the next day. He broke his foot and he couldn't use it for 2 months!
3. This one was really funny. While in class the teacher just started shouting at me for no reason at all. Well actually I was just helping someone with their math AFTER he told me to help him. I said to myself "Why are you picking on me just keep quiet so we can carry on with the work!" The next day I walked in class I wondered why he didn't say anything. He wrote this on the board. "My voice is gone! Do pages 136-140 for homework and KEEP QUIET!" After I saw this I was just so glad that another one of my feelings came true.
4. (This "Bonds" with the example above) Well after he got his voice back everything was perfect. Then he shouted at me for no reason at all again. I was just looking at him and he started shouting. I told myself "Wasn't losing your voice enough? Why don't you just get yourself a different school instead on picking me again..." This took a while, but 4 days later they said in the hall that he is leaving this school and he is going to another school in another city! I must admit I did feel a little bit guilty, but I'm over that.
5. There's this girl I liked, she was really popular and my best friend. One day a boy asked her out, she accepted, but I didn't like the guy very much. He just wasn't ideal for her. I hoped that he would dump her. So it was thought, so it was done. 3 days later he dumped her and she was hanging around with me again.
6. Another example with the girl above. There was this dance coming up and I really wanted to go. I hoped at the bottom of my heart that I would go to the dance with her. So I thought I would ask her the next day. The next day just before I wanted to ask her, someone else asked her first. She is so popular and that was a popular guy, I thought that she would immediately say yes. This was her reply "Love to, but I am going with someone else..." After I heard that I didn't think that I should ask her if she has got a different date. I accepted it and later I asked her with who she is going. I knew of about 7 people who asked her and to who she rejected. I went to her and I asked she said "I am going with you silly!" All I said in surprise "What, but I didn't even ask you, and you have a date..." She said "I am asking you, you are the only one I want to go with..." That made me really happy...
7. This one is haunting me, but I am still writing it. I was really really sad one day and the girl kept on telling me to cheer up. I explained my situation, but she didn't understand how I felt. She really irritated me since she is so happy and isn't even trying to make my situation better. So I told myself "Wait until someone really close to you passes away then we see whether you will be so happy..." This is the part that haunts me. The next day at school we were talking (I wasn't sad anymore) and her friend told her that her uncle has just passed away. I asked how he passed away and he said that nobody knows. She started to cry and I immediately knew it was my fault and started to comfort her. I asked whether he was very close to her. She said that he was really really close to her. See, I caused someone's death.
8. This one I am regretting almost every day I wake up. That's why I want to learn how to control my feelings. Another girl (The girl I like) was having so many boyfriends and I kept wishing that she would dump them. She dumped them all within a week. I said "I wish you would move somewhere really far from here..." (She wasn't close to me and I said this out of anger) 4 days later she said that she was moving to a location that is 18 hours away if you drive on a car. I tried to stop it, but I was to late and now she is gone and I am regretting that I ever made that stupid wish.
9. I was busy with my cell phone and it just didn't work right (with the music and such) and I shouted "COME ON WORK!" that same day it still gave me problems I said "Dammit I wish this memory card just lose all his data!" the next day I checked my phone and I wanted to listen to more music. Shockingly there was no data on the memory card! I tried to figure out what was wrong and I even asked whether anyone even touched my cell phone. All I got was a no. This went on for a week until I just said "I wish you had all your data back..." I went to bed and that next day I didn't touch the phone since there was "nothing" to do on it. Well the day after that I tried to find what the problem might have been. I checked and ALL my data mysteriously was there!
10. I was on my way to school and I asked someone "Wouldn't it be great if we picked up R100..." he said "Yes it would, but we all know that would never happen..." I kept thinking of it and close to school I saw R150! It was caught below a rock so it wouldn't blow away. I asked around and NOBODY has lost any money!
I could go on like this listing things that happen forever, but that's not why I am sending this I am asking for help. As you might have read I over reacted a lot of times and I regret a lot of them. Some I am regretting.
-That girl is now a whole days drive away from me and I will probably never see her again.
-I caused a man's death.
Those are the 2 main ones I regret.
I just say wish or think about it and it happens. The sad thing is most of the times I think of bad things like a robbery or a fight or any of the examples above. It always ends up happening and I wasn't to control it. I tried thinking twice before thinking of it, but I just can't help it. If anyone can help me to learn how I can control these feelings it would be greatly appreciated.
The strange thing is that I am the only one in my family with anything related to psychic. As far as I know nobody in my family has psychic experiences and here I come with about 4 or 5 (Which I will post later on.) I thought maybe it could be something to do about my past life... So if anyone knows were I can get information on my past life please post it.