So far, I have had 2 dreams about people that have passed away.
I don't know if this was actual contact with them or if it was just my brain throwing together random things and making weird dreams.
The first one happened several years ago. There was an older man in my parents church, he was very sick with emphysema. I never really talked a lot with him (I was very shy when I was younger), but he was a very nice man.
I don't remember going to his funeral. A while later (I don't remember how much time passed), I had a dream that I walked into my parents church and there were random people gathered around talking. The atmosphere seemed strange but not bad. I saw him down the aisle, he saw me and walked quickly over to see me. He had a great big smile on his face, gave me a huge hug and said "I am SO GLAD to see you!"
When he was alive, he could barely get around and he could barely talk without coughing. It just seemed so strange to see him healthy. I'd never seen him completely healthy.
The second dream I had was only a few weeks ago. I found out from someone that a man I used to work with, whom I hadn't see in close to 3 years, passed away from cancer. I didn't get to go to his funeral.
I dreamed that I saw him at (of all places) the mall (Teddy was NOT fond of the mall). I was in the foyer between the sets of doors, being jostled a bit by random people going into the building. The atmosphere felt chaotic and a bit dark. I saw Teddy and when he saw me, he stopped to talk to me. I don't remember the conversation, but I do remember the last thing he said before he rushed away with the rest of the crowd. He told me "See ya, kid."
He used to say that to me quite a bit when we worked at the same place. I didn't remember that until I had the dream.
These seem odd. Are these just dreams or are these people contacting me to say goodbye or to let me know that I meant something to them in life? Did they miss me at their funerals or something?
Thanks for the insight:)
Really, truly believing in this stuff is somewhat new for me.
As for spirit guides, I do believe I have one that is with me all the time, everywhere. He's like the best friend I can't see.
In the dreams, it felt like Teddy was moving on, and it felt like Mr. M. Was maybe sticking around for awhile. I usually get very strong feelings on certain things since I can't actually see them.
And I do know what you mean by "They are there already, and we sense them, but we don't realize it, and so we think about them, not knowing they were there before our thought came to our mind." 😁
That seems to happen quite a lot with the one I think is my spirit guide.