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Real Psychic Experiences

Sensitive To The Paranormal


I need help determining what I am. I don't know if I'm just sensitive to the paranormal or what, but here we go. Okay, so I am a teenager now but I have just started having experiences within the past two years. The first thing that happened to me was that I was sitting in a restaurant that was an old house and then was renovated into a nice restaurant and this was my first time going there. I was just sitting there with my family, minding my own business, eating my dinner and all of the sudden, the back of my shirt gets yanked back. All of my family looked up thinking I was having a fit or something because it was just so sudden and weird. My immediate reaction was to turn around and see if it was just someone I knew or someone just messing with me. No one was back there and there was no way that someone could have done that. Then later I found out that the place was haunted. So what makes me wonder is why touch me out of the 50 people at the restaurant? Weird. Also, I babysit in a haunted house. I put the kids to bed and I was sitting on the stairs and heard noise in the next room like people were talking in there, shuffling their feet and flipping through papers. I kind of freaked out and then later I found out from someone else who lives on that street that an elderly couple died in that house from cancer and their hospital beds were in the room I was hearing noises in. So I told the people I was babysitting for that I heard weird noises and they said that they have no idea what that could be. How is it that you don't know your own house was haunted but I do the first time I go there? The thought of that freaked me out. Also, I have had deja-vu all of my life, and so have my mom and my grandma so is that hereditary? When I have it, I have it like 12 times in a row and at least like 3 times a week. And I have strong feelings about things that WON'T happen, comparing to things that WILL happen. Like during the day, I can tell when I won't have practice after school for whatever reason. So one day I decided to tell my grandpa about how I knew about things happening, he started messing with me saying to make a prediction of our car ride on the way home and I responded saying that there was going to be an accident and there was a coincidence? Probably. I can also guess numbers pretty well when people think of them. Anytime I walk into an old place, I can immediately know it's haunted by the feeling it has. It is a heavy feeling that is sort of overwhelming. I really don't know what is going on with me? Anyone's advice will help me! Thank you!:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MHMM22, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Mynamissecret (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Hey, wow this is nerve-wracking. So what do you all think about the possibility of someone being "host" to an entity (non-demonic)? I have a spirit protector who's not actually a spirit protector. He's more like the very powerful, old, and very kind entity that has been with me my entire life and protects me. I have always been able to see ghosts, and have had a great deal of paranormal experiences. It runs in my family, and my dad has had similar experiences. This entity is not a family member in that he was never a blood relative of mine. His origins actually lie across the world in Japan. Yet, he still protects me against the more negative and unfortunately regular paranormal attacks. Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Let me know!
MHMM22 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Oh okay, yeah that makes sense... It's just hard to wrap your head around and to know how it works. Is it common for people to be sensitive to the paranormal?
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
I usually think that it is spirits (angels or demons) that whisper it into your head before it happens... If that's not the case then you are an Angel or demon yourself, capable to know such things without spirit intervention... But to think that would make your EGO go out of control and you might end up with a messiah complex.
MHMM22 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Ahhh I see. But so when I have physic expirences, like the feeling that things will happen, does that go along with paranormal sensitivity?
Ravenula (3 stories) (115 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
The fact that only you can hear, sense and see them is because you are sensitive to the paranormal, unlike them who sees and are only interested in the physical mundane reality... Spirits are attracted to those who are sensitive to the spiritual reality.
MHMM22 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Haha, yeah I know, the whole thing just freaks me out because it only happens to me in situations, not any one else around me? 😲
Amaya (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Hey don't worry about anything... Not all ghosts can hurt you. 😊

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