I have had several dreams where I was shown a female child, which was mine (and quite a few psychics over the years, about 10 years now since it was first mentioned- keep saying I will have a female child). I would have many dreams of this child but in each of them, for some reason, my husband's face wouldn't be shown to me. One dream specifically, I was sitting on a sofa holding my newborn and there was a picture in a frame on the side table of him. I told my baby "who is that? That's daddy!" but somehow the face couldn't be made out. Well 3 years ago I got married and thought that was it- later that same year, my ex left me and later divorced me.
Since then, and especially of late, I have had dreams again of this baby, but the father/husband isn't being shown. I have also asked my guides to give me some hints about him and the most I got was a vision of his back, and when I asked what ethnicity he was, I saw what looked like a Mexican flag tattooed on his shoulder. But of course, still nothing definite. So this doesn't help to clarify things very much and I can't help but wonder why I have not been allowed to see him. And I don't know if the back thing was just me projecting my own hope about what he'll be (I really prefer Hispanic men, though I am Black).
Could I be blocking myself from seeing him? Does anyone have any suggestions about this? Yes, I know I should probably just give up and accept that I cannot know for some reason, but I feel I have been waiting for a long while for him to show up (since my divorce, a handful of psychics have predicted he will show up "in August", and each year I get hopeful, then when August comes and goes I feel so disappointed). Could it just be that Spirit is completely throwing me off the trail on purpose because it doesn't want me to know the how & when?