For all my hundreds of comments I don't post often (I think this is post four) but I felt compelled to post a prediction. I feel that we're going to see an attack on American soil in the near future, possibly within weeks or through the early part of 2012. My saying this is in part logic but also intuition. The logic part (at least to me) says this because I think there are forces out there that want 2012 to be apocalyptic and have the power to make it so. It would also help drag down vibrations in people (fear and panic) and that's also good for that agenda. I also feel that there are those that want to put a kibosh on the Occupier Movement and could do so with a very distracting attack (s). There is momentum for positive change and I don't think that's on the menu for some in control.
The intuition part is because I've had reoccurring dreams of seeing bombs coming onto our soil. I also have dreamt of war on American soil before a cleanse. And while my dreams don't always come true, many do. I woke up this morning and felt this nagging feeling. When I sat and thought about it, the memory started coming back to me. I remember having to scream really loud while dreaming (in my dream, not out loud) to get my sleeping consciousness to take note. I remember saying, "They finally attacked." For some reason, it was important for me to remember this.
Now I of course hope I'm wrong and the chances are I am. Additionally, even if there was, what can one do? I am not a famous psychic and have no contacts so can just observe and see what happens. But in terms of general emergency preparedness, there are things that all of us can do to some degree and maybe this is food for thought for some of you. Here are some things to consider; do you and your loved ones have a meet up point, an exit plan or strategy? Do you have basic supplies like extra water, batteries, fire starting supplies, and food to last a month (don't forget your pets too!) at home? What about extra medication? I personally have an extensive preparedness supply but I'm fortunate to have land and resources. For the die-harders out there, there is also a bug out bag in case you can't use a vehicle to get home like walking shoes, some cash, matches, rain gear (a must for here in the Seattle area), energy bars and so on. Regardless of an attack, it is very good to have these supplies as we face threats from mother nature too.
I don't look at predictions with fear because nothing has occurred yet (and again, unlikely it will). I share this because I want to know if any of you feel something is coming down the pike and also nudge some preparedness. I remember watching video after Hurricane Andrew and it was not only like a war zone but the people were fighting viciously over supplies because they had done nothing to prepare.
Stay safe everyone.