The following psychic experience involved "feeling" the energy through my hands to win a football series, all the way to the Super Bowl. First of all, I know nothing about football teams, other than an awareness that we have a professional team here in Seattle of which I've never gone to see play. About 10 years ago (more as a joke I think or to take my money) I was asked if I wanted to put $20.00 into a pool and then select from a spreadsheet which teams would win through the playoffs. The spreadsheet listed the teams and who they were playing. Each scenario involved picking which team would win, and if they won, who would win the next game and so on, all the way to the Super Bowl.
So I took the spreadsheet, reviewed the names and then put my hands over each game and "felt" which team might win. The feeling ended up in my gut. I then marked my choice and then moved onto the next game and repeated the process. I was the only girl in the group and they laughed heartily at some of my choices and basically wrote it off to as an uneducated female out of her sports league. At the end of the season, out of dozens of betters, all male (minus myself), I was the grand winner! I had the last laugh and the cash.