This is a update on what is going so far in my previous story.
This is the story I received from Sarah, a 7-8 year old girl ghost that once lived in my bedroom.
Sarah was forced to stay inside the closet by her abusive mom (I'm not sure about the father). The closet was a walk-in, so it was big enough to walk around in. Her mom was very abusive. She only gave Sarah bread and water, and the only clothes she got were hand-downs from her parents. I don't know how she died, but I think it was either from:
1) Murder from her mom and the mom escaped.
2) Hunger
3) Disease
The house was built in 1984. Sarah's family was the first to occupy the house is my guess.
What has gone so far: I found and received the trust of Sarah, and, along with Sarah's help, I got rid of the mom's demon. (It still confuses me that, how and why was the mother here?)
What I've done to help Sarah:
1) I got her to trust me, and for her to realize that she is dead (I don't blame her) and that not everyone is evil. She saw my good and positive aura, in psychic terms.
2) She trusted me to keep her life story away from her mom. Surprisingly, she does not mind me posting it to the public. I can see why, because she wants more eyes to care and help her with her past fears and troubles and help her reach the "higher sprit ground" (I put it that way so no religion is mentioned or offended)
3) Sarah used to be afraid of coming out of the closet, but now she runs around, laughing and playing like she was not even dead.
Recently, I got the mom, (who I assume came as a demon, I sensed negativity in the presence) to go into the light, while trying to get Sarah into the light. That's one problem down, now for the real challenge.
If anyone has any tips of how to convince Sarah to go to the light, let me know by posting in the comments below. I tried summoning angels, worked, but I got the mom to go instead, and it freaked out Sarah. Any tips or techniques are greatly accepted.
If you want to see the original story, go to the link below this post, and click on "The Other Side Is Watching Me, I Can Feel It".