I have absolutely no idea how to open this, so I'll just come out with it.
I know, am absolutely positive, that I'm something. I might just be a sensitive, or maybe I am a psychic of some sort.
I'll share.
It all started when I was fairly young. I've had a lot of close calls with death. Really close calls. In fact, I have died; my heart has stop beating for about five spaces more than once. Maybe that's a factor in everything. Now, I won't get into that. But here's what's happened.
I've seen spirits. They're kind of common here, in Hawai'i. But I see them EVERYWHERE. I could be walking, and I'll feel them or hear them, or see them. They are always there.
I've had a ton of instances where I'll pick up a phone out of random, and it will ring, and I'll know who it is before looking at the caller-i.d. I'll be in the car, thinking about a song, again, out of the blue, and BOOM! It's on the radio. I'll think about a person, and within the next three minutes, I'll see them somewhere. I've had really realistic dreams, which have then happened. I'll answer questions that haven't been asked.
I could be walking in a random place, and I'll see a person, and I get deja vu. It's like I've known them forever, since I was small.
I recall a specific experience once when I'd walked up to a random person (I was about three or four), and I'd told her "When I was older, I was your mum. Do you remember my friend Antonio?" I'd blabbered to her for fifteen minutes before my mother found me. My mother -years later- told me how scared she was, because that was the anniversary of her mother's death, and that her mum had died around 9 or 10 months, maybe even a year -I can't remember- before my birth date, and that she did in fact know Antonio. I can't remember her face or Antonio or anything else but that now, but I remember it being very vivid then.
There have been more experiences, but I can't bring them to mind.
But, please, do you believe I am a psychic? If so, what kind?
Yours Truly,
Skylar V.
How do I classify this? Is it real?