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The Path To Awareness: Auras And Vibrations


I have some questions, but before I start shooting them off I'll give you a quick up to on my history involving these experiences. I'm currently 21, and since my freshman year of High School I have been seeing auras, though at the time I thought I was hallucinating from pure boredom until my Biology teacher had started emitting a deep lavender energy every time I saw her, and before she became ill (cancer, found after a miscarriage) she emitted a putrid green, erm not liquid or haze but more of a gooey like substance within her lavender energy. Now, I was truly freaked out, you can imagine I thought I was going bat crap insane. Having researched this, I garnered that when a person starts picking up on auras they start to realize there's a white, foggy like haze around people, objects, etc. When I first started seeing auras, I skipped that stage completely and went straight to full blown out colors, length, and intensity of either sight, sound, or both. I obviously was terrified, I thought I was truly losing my mind. Until I had talked to several people with knowledge on auras and confirmed that I was indeed not a loon, but in fact seeing auras.

Of course, my interest in this field had spiked considering. I was actually seeing the energy we emit. But my interest had faded because I grew accustom to looking at people and seeing their aura, which becomes quite easy when I look directly in their eyes (fun practice for peripheral strengthening). But I basically just grew used to it and never really looked more into it. Being a typical teenager at the time and all. Until recently when I had started a meditation routine and truly taking in the beauty of the world through the energy I am seeing, and a lot of different scenarios are coming into my awareness.

As of late, I've noticed everything has been vibrating uncontrollably. And it's not me, I swear! Haha. I noticed EVERYTHING has been sending off this insane vibration, couches, houses, plants, people, trees especially. I have picked up on specific vibrations before and I am aware of the type of vibration our energy gives off, alongside objects, rocks, etc. But this is quite different from what I am used to. It almost reminds me of the type of vibration I have felt before I astral projected (that's another story all on its own haha) But this vibration. Is more intense, more violent type of vibration. And it's humming.

My question to you psychic savants is, what am I experiencing? Is this a part of my (in my terms) awakening? Of my realization of everything around me, and my body is overwhelmed? (though my mind is not, I am truly excited, lemme tell you) I am aware these two may not be connected, but I believe that hypothetically since we all emit energy, and I can see these energies from any object living or not, and the type of sensation you can pick up on from said energies, that this somehow is very, very connected. I had someone tell me it's because the world is starting to evolve into its next frequency, and it's strengthening its pitch to match a different tune, which I find truly interesting. But I'd feel more comfortable if someone with experience in this type of, erm, behavior, can help a sister out <3 I also feel this is spiritual as well, but from skimming through the posts here, I noticed Aura's are beyond spiritual;]

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alexandriabee, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
I keep seeing specks in peoples auras what are these? Does any one know, most of them are white blue amd red quite bright. THe number of them varies. I was thinking they could be thought forms but I'm not really sure any ides will help... 😕
Mysticcrystal (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
Hi, guys. Just want to ask about your opinion about something. A few years ago, my husband and I went to New York for a job interview. We got to the hotel really late and my husband fell asleep right away. I was still up when all of a sudden, the table lamp next to me flickered bluish white. It was supposed to be off. I tried to wake up my husband but he wouldn't. It terrified me. The next day, I turned on the lamp and it was a regular yellowish light. I opened the curtains and I found out that we were right in front of a very old cemetery. The hotel turned out to be a very old school converted to a hotel. What was that blueish white light? Any input would be appreciated.
Kliz711 (2 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-25)
Thank you eagleclaw and I look forward to your valued opinion!
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-25)

Thank you very much for the compliment. I will read your story and comment on it.
Kliz711 (2 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-25)
I would just like to say I love eagleclaw and kraken. Out of all the commenters I find yours most interesting and informing! I don't see the auras but I sense them and I also am able to change them and shape them. I don't know if this is normal bit I normally feel an aura in my hands and can tell what color it is and shape it or slowly change it. Any advice you guys have would be great. Read my story its called am I really psychic... Atleast I think but I would love your advice. And alexa too you seem extremely gifted! I also feel silver energy on me... Help?
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-25)
Exactly what I thought Eagleclaw thank you, It also happens when certain words in a conversation are said depending on the point their trying to get acrossed.
news101773 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)
My story seems to be a bit different from the rest, I have no sight or hearing when I feel a "vision" it is almost like when you have a gut feeling except mine have alway came true. For example I was driving by a friends house one early sunny morning and I turned to my mom and said there was going to be a fire and my mom simply said well yeah everything seems to be catching on fire because of so many wild fires in the recent month but I disagreed and said no a close small fire in this area. Sure enough my mom called me at school the next day and said Kelly's house is on fire you need to come home. I have also had feelings of a person being able to read their emotions and what kind of person they are. Can someone please help me in order of what I have or am? 😁
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)
I have been poked in the back or on my leg for many years by a spirit. I'm just not sure which spirit it is because it always pokes me from behind. And, I have a few that are hanging around. It happens when I am awake and asleep. I think they do it to remind me that they are around. Just my opinion. Hope it helps.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)
Are any of you ever poked by spirits? I am almost on a daily basis any hekp would be much obliged.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)
You peopel are so kind and helpful thank you dearly, I will continue to develop these abilites, Its good to know there are open-minded people like yourself out there. Many blessings
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
You are very welcome. And, I wish the best for you and your loved ones. I'm going to put you as one of my favorite posters. Take care.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
Alexandrabee you asked what the volcano looked like.
I have to say I only saw its affects to people around
Me. On an emotional level myself a two friends compared notes and agree it was like an anticipation
Of something holding back and then a release when it
Occurred. I saw those floating piece of energy before the ash sot fall the following day, then saw small layers of ash on cars, Saturday am saw a mist.
My thoughts of the large floating energy follwing the two men is they may be affected health wise.

Always a deep defening silence.
Same with Japan Tusanami except I had my third eye open and saw it playing out in a dream, only no
Affects aurically for those around me.

I live in London and commute which puts me on primitive mode shut-down.
At work I'm a little more relaxed but still on survival mode. So I unconsiously stay shut, except
When working with healing on patients.

When I am relaxed and can concentrate is when I
Can focus and get some visuals.

I am greatful to you again for your post and questions. Made me really take an inventory for myself.

I do agree wtih Eagleclaw that reading the aura is
Smelling but all believe it is all of the senses.
alexandriabee (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
Ahhhhhha! That's what Bad Baby does! You truly, honestly, made my night, hit everything dead on. You're an amazing person, and though you said *not* to thank you, I can't help but be appreciative. Hehehe so, so happy I found this site.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
Here is more info for you. First, when you smell a aura make sure that you document it somehow. I want you to memorize each scent with a emotion. Each scent has an emotion attached to it. Fear smells like wet clothes that were not dried. Sickness smells worse than that. Happiness is like a smell of flowers. You get the idea. Also, colors represent different things too. Sickness is always black to dark grey. Pregnancy is always a bunch of pastel colors. So, I'd like to tell you about the people that you care about. Your boyfriends vibrational wind aura represents a strong aura that matches yours and also surrounds you. He can keep up with your aura (And, that's not easy to do). Your one year old brothers whirlwind of buzzing energy says that he is very stong spiritually but he uses the buzzing to bounce off of others aura to sense their strenght. It's sort of how he checks people out without telling them. And, your other brother with the blue aura and humming deeper. He is very grounded and very content and knowing about many things. He uses the humming like a radar to check on people. It's something like sonar radar. I hope you don't mind me putting this info on this post but I felt compelled to tell you about them. Oh, and I read about the orange ball. See you are already realizing your potential. You don't need to be so grateful to me. I enjoy helping others. Because when I had to go though my paranormal trials alone I would have wished for a site like this back then. It's funny, my familly is very understanding about me but they pay no mind until they need my help with a spirit or demon. But, they always know that I will go to battle for them. And, I always will. And, just so you know, when I read a story I get a certain vibe about something and that is what I tell that person about. It's just that I recieved another vibe that came later about your vibrations and that's when I had to tell you. OK, I wish you the best of everything in life. Take care.
alexandriabee (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
You've cleared up every question illuminating in my mind. You are a blessing in disguise, you:]

After I read that, I had to think back on what had happened after I felt that. And that connected all the pieces. I've been smelling every aura I've run into, I'm picking up on specific sounds from certain auras. My boyfriends aura is like a vibrating wind, it's interesting. My one year olds brother is a whirlwind of buzzing energy, and my oldest younger brother has been glowing bluer and humming deeper. AHA! This all makes sense now.

Thank you, so much. I can't express how much gratitude I have, for the longest time I thought I was going insane. Thank you for your beautiful mind.

Yes, I'd have to say it's you. I was lost deep within my mind one night, and somehow I managed to get a giant ball of orange energy to appear on the stairs, and explode, illuminating the room. I've no idea to this day how the hell I did it, but I did. Just know it's nestled deep within you, and don't forget to hold onto that when you're meditating. Concentrate it within your hands, and strengthen that connection. I suggest sitting with your sister, reaching towards each other with your palms facing your sisters palms, and without touching practice picking up and creating a stronger energy. That'd be an interesting exercise...haha.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
To Kraken,
I would like to let you know that you and your sister have a spiritual connection. Are you twins? The lights flickering comes from you. It is charged energy which is attaching itself to electrical items. It is not a spirit. Energy is not positive or negative until one assigns a task to it. You can use it to defend or to heal another. I did notice one thing about you. Your aura charges only with others that you care about. Birdy and your sister initiate the charge. You are like a power cord. So, be in a safe place next time a storm comes. Lightening is more attracted to people like yourself. Hope this helps you more. If you have more questions I will post them on your story.
The vibrations that you feel are from you. You feel the energy from all things. Your aura is also charging at a very fast pace. So, now you can see, feel and charge the auras. For me, my vibrations only turn on when I do a treatment for someone. The energy passses through me like a conducter. You need to always remember to ground yourself when you are getting the vibrations. You can also hear the frequency that others cannot. Yes, there are sounds that come from auras. Sounds,sensations,smells and colors emit from auras. All colors have a different frequency too. People that can feel energy can do many things. As you get stronger you may see what I mean. You will very slowly begin to be able to manipulate the energy. Time will tell. Take care.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
Ive had dozens of experiances including my little sister like this one time when she was in her room with her friend and she was listening to her soda can, I was two rooms away with both doors closed yey I could hear the can as if it were placed right next to mine so ran to make sure and it was... My sister is more of a skeptic but I'm slowly begining to gain her faith, I'm almost certain she has abilites iv heard of cancers have strong abities before and it sems like I have most empathic occurcers withthem
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
No Eagleclaw everythings fine, I'm not offended by you at all you've helped me already as you have seemed to help everone on this site thank you its greatly appreaciated from all of us I'm sure... But if I'm not troubling you I would like to see what your thoughts on these lights are, most flashes are when my sister is around and speaks so your charged aura theory makes complete sense, if so what's causeing this is it a positive or negitive thing, if it is a spirit what should I do?
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
To Kraken,
I know that you have researched the subject and no I'm not offended. Maybe the words I typed did not come out right. I was trying to say to you that their are people who see, smell and feel the auras of others and then actually use their hands to change the aura into a alligned, balanced and postive healing one. PathR describes the auras very well. I am honered that you have invited me to start a group. But, I do not have a facebook account and have no intention to do so right now. I'm sure others would love the opportunitty to start and join your group. But, for me, This website is my group. I enjoy giving out my knowledge to others when I can. And, the fact that my real identity is not shown to all is very nice. As you may have noticed, I'm not a social butterfly. I'm very sorry if I have caused any negative experiences for you. You are 100% welcomed here by everyone and myself. I will read your story and comment on it too.
Oh, the flickering lights by the spirits are their way of saying "I'm here". Or, it could be that one of you has a charged aura that interferes with anything electrical. I would need more information to make a better decision of the two. Hope this helps and I'm sorry again if I've caused a negative experience for you.
alexandriabee (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Haha what long words? Incredibly jealous you went to Scotland (and live near). Will have to check that out some day.

I'm aware I see auras, its just this new wave of vibration I have never tuned into before that sounds fairly new. Hehe Thank you, though, cleared some things up. I thought I was restricted to certain colors belonging, however, you and a previous poster has cleared that up. Wahoo. <3

How was witnessing that volcano erupt? I could only imagine what you felt.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Your just seeing and hearing in the old traditional
Way: seight, hearing and feeling vibrations of aura's.

I noticed in April 2010
When the Iceland volcano erupted. I was seeing
Large slabs of moving energy during day light hours and
In one instance a large slab of this energy
Following two males across the street.
People I saw and met at work somehow vibrated at a different

In Scottland the trees not only
Vibrated but had a song. It was a different song
In Yorkshire Dales. So go figure?

For riots I believe aura is a muddy med gray with rustic red that encompasses the group.
Which there should be more rioters coming up.

Yes I do agree that the intensity is building up
And it should be very interesting in 2012.
Many people as yourself refer to the same title as:

If you travel to other countries each has
What is referred to as a Chakra: so hence you
Seeing energy eminating differently or aggressively which would be in relation to a natural disaster, hence you reading mother
Earth's energy.

As for the couch and homes this includes cars.
We humans leave our imprints on items which do resonate
With energy.

Thanks for posting!
I really enjoyed your story. Sorry for all the long words.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
HAve any of you read "You are psychic" by deb katz, she explains the color's you see are just your spirit guide's way of communicating with you. She also goes into chakras, and cords its fairly inexpensive book at that as well.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
On a seperate note, how many of you experiance sychronostic events on the daily, What are your thoughts on spirits flickering the lights, it happens to me whenever me or my sister talk about coniousness,dreams,spirits, or anything related the timings presice and only happens on these occasions.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
THis is a perfect site for connectting psychics, I just find facebooks, photo's, Im's, and privacy convientent for practice, eagel claw do you have a facebook would you like to start a group on facebook with me.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
I simply to meet a few fellow psychic on more persoanal level, I love this site too eagle claw my intents are pure, I just find communication on this site restricting. Sorry if this offends you. What does offend me however is the fact you assume I haven't done research on my own experiances, of course I know aura's have been used for centuries.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
You are welcome. Thanks for understanding. Take care and have a great day!
alexandriabee (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Hehe Eagle don't apologize! Names don't hold much value to get offended by it:] Thank you, love.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Sorry for not using your correct name. No harm meant by that. I'm sure if one day you decide to be a healer than you will be an exceptional one. That's for sure.
alexandriabee (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Haha you can call me Alexa, for short if you would so please:] Well, or, whatever you'd like for that matter. Haha

These vibrations had started about a month ago, when I was sitting on the couch catching up with my father and my siblings. We were talking about... Logical thinking vs emotional, when I felt this intense vibration. It was so strange, because it was a depth and tone I haven't ever picked up on before, and I am sure I could have NOT missed this because this one vibration is something you can't miss. It grew louder to the point I couldn't hear anything, and it instantly set me into a trance. It continued for the next week, and I've been listening very intently. Your description if it being like the ocean fit it perfectly. When I had gone to the park, and was sitting up in a tree meditating (haha) I felt it again.

That dream world is where I'm constantly at. I'm constantly walking around in that bubble, I call it. I can easily disconnect myself and continue my daily actions while being in whatever world that is. I don't recognize people, I see them as whatever energy they are, which in some cases scare me away. Have you ever looked somebody in the eye and (I refuse to not look people directly in the eye) feel like you're getting sucked into a void of negative crap? Like they're LITERALLY eating your soul? I can find about five in a room of one hundred. Hahaha.

But, yes. Back to the point, it's started about a month ago

Regarding the previously stated below questions;

I've never thought about getting into healing, but the more you bring it to my attention, the more I will look into it. My mother was a natural healer, I've never seen so much power behind a womans hands as much as hers. Unfortunately, she never did much good with it. I've got this uncanny ability to tell what stage somebody is with an illness. Which is why I can't go to hospitals and or nursing homes, sends me straight into a panic attack. However, you all have given me the push I needed to look down that road. Thank you for the inspiration <3
the_anomaly (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)
Dear "alexandriabee",
Could you please give us some more detail about this. I would particularly be interested in the specific timeline of the events. Most importantly when this vibration started. I do not see auras most of the time, unfortunately. I've only seen them on very few occasions but I am not even certain that that's what I saw. But I have experienced "strange vibrations" lately. And I can tell that the vibrations are not coming from me. My vibrations always sort of do their own thing and follow certain patterns within my body. But with some of the new vibrations I have been experiencing lately, it's almost like my own energy has been thrown into a wave pool. It does it's own thing, but there is this jarring distortion, that does not "move" in any way that I am accustomed to. Also I heard it just a few weeks ago. I had a very stressed out week and was in a room full of people. I was in a good mood but though I was feeling very tired. I sort of zoned out and then I caught the strange anomalous vibration. It was like someone took a jackhammer to the side of my head. T - T -T -T -T -T -T -T -T kind of sound, but very loud. But I couldn't really physically hear it, or maybe just faintly. It was more like it was affecting the part of my brain responsible for processing sound.
Also, I spend a lot of time on this certain strange astral plane. It's not a place I go voluntarily but I always end up there. Especially if I fall asleep while I am meditating. There are lots of people there that I know or have known. I know it's not a dream because I have met people I know there and then talked to them about it, and they knew what I was talking about. Anyway, I've been spending more and more time there lately, but only when I am not smoking cigarettes. When I do it kills it. But anyway, lol, jumbled, this one time I was in that place and something showed something to me. Best way to put it. It was in Belgium or somewhere like that. I could see a busy city and everyone's cellphone had this pressure inside of it. And then suddenly they all started sending out this very intense energy, and every cellphone touched by the energy started sending out energy and it felt a lot like the weird vibrations.
I'm wondering if maybe these vibrations are an electrical disturbance or have a powerful external source, like the sun or something.
I also wonder if maybe somehow we are all going to get lost in that weird dream world and leave this one behind when it is ready and has developed.
Also, last night the vibrations were so powerful and far apart, like big waves in the ocean, that I literally had several OBEs in quick succession. It was like I kept getting pulled out of my body and had to swim back it through the current.

It's not like I'm totally convinced by anything I've mentioned above or would put strong faith in it. It's sort of just speculation on my own experiences.

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