Alright so, over the past few months I've been trying to astral project by putting myself into a sleep state. With no success I've pretty much given up for now.
But around a month ago I woke up in the night to find myself paralyzed. I had loud buzzing in my ears and I couldn't speak or move my body. I could though, 'move' my arms, they felt fast and light and I could feel the quilt as I grabbed it, yet I know I wasn't moving my physical arms... Scared to death I struggled against it until I managed to move and stop the buzzing and paralyze state.
Last night I consistently woke up, over and over. One time in particular I woke and felt heavy, when I laid still I had tingling in my arms, and again the loud buzzing in my ears. Then I woke again to have my arms paralyzed yet not my head. Therefore I felt my 'arms' moving again. As far as I recall this happened every time I woke to an extent, sometimes it was just feeling a tingling sensation.
I guess I'm just too scared to actually astral project. I wouldn't mind doing it when I attempt to do it since I'll be ready. Yet waking up to being paralyzed is too frightening to handle. Afterwards I'm always kicking myself, thinking 'why didn't I just go with it'!
Is this the state before astral projecting. And if so, why do I keep getting it now, all of a sudden when I've never experienced this before. And is what I'm feeling, that I believe to be my astral arms, actually my astral arms since I know for sure I'm not moving my physical arms.
Thanks everyone for reading.:)
Wilson, thanks for the information, you've given me some relief. I guess I just got to keep thinking positively. I also managed to get an amethyst crystal off my mum which is now under my pillow. 😊
InjuredAngelHeero and Mikayla40 thanks for your personal experiences. I now have a better understanding of what it might be like. I guess I will just have to roll with it if it happens again. 😕