Crazy? Maybe. But I knew who my true love was before I even met him.
I've visioned him many times in dreams, and premonitions.
I could describe every thing he is. Dark hair, green eyes, tall. Everything. I know, this sounds very strange. And you're probably asking how I even know he's my "true love." As if that stuff exists, right? Well, I just... Felt it. I knew.
The very first time I met him, I didn't think it was him. I couldn't believe it. But there he was, sitting on a bench.
There was a bench across from him. I happened to be at a church camp in the Summer of July 2010. So this wasn't too long ago. What happened was, I woke up, got ready, and something told me to go downstairs and outside to the entrance, where the benches were. I was feeling angry, as no one would talk to me or gave me "looks." I somehow picked up a girl's voice saying that I was weird. She has no idea.
I marched downstairs and outside. I opened the exit/entrance door and looked straight, then I looked to the right. There he was.
We started a conversation by me telling him how I didn't belong here,
And he replied, "Welcome To My World." I felt an instant connection.
It was quite strange. I felt a deep love for him, already. Like I knew him all my life. I felt my energy and his connect. Ever since then, We were very close. This is not just an average love. It's strong.
Now we are dating, and have been since August of 2010.
We plan to get married later on.
But, how is this possible? How could I be so in love with someone automatically?
How did I know him before all this?