The other morning I overslept, and during this sleep I dreamt a dream I can only slightly remember, but at the end it had facebook, and I saw a picture of a girl who I know. I then realized this was a dream and woke up. I decided to go back to sleep and had the same dream, but extended. In the extended part of the dream I saw updates on facebook, like the girl liked a status I made the night before, and then after seeing her picture I went lucid again and woke up.
Later that day I decided to go on facebook, and saw the thing from the dreams, but when I checked the time that they had occurred, it was before the dream, but after I went to bed (I had trouble sleeping).
This leads me to ask the question: what happened? It could not have been a memory because I never saw any of that before sleeping.
I have a few theories on this, such as retrocognition, was I seeing the past in that dream, but if so, who or what's past was it? Another theory is precognition of my future of seeing what had happened in the dream. My final theory is remote viewing, however I do not know what to think of this one, as I had heard that remote viewing is impossible in a dream, can only remote view places you know, and I've never heard of remote viewing through time.
I also have a second question, which is: Why did I go lucid the moment I saw the girl?