First of all, I want to say thank you for having this web site. I always feel so alone with my abilities, having no one to talk to about them. I am afraid that people will think I am completely crazy. Sometimes I think I am crazy, and then sometimes there's not a doubt in my mind that I'm not.
I have always felt a little different, and felt that I knew a little too much about people than I was supposed to. I can remember being about 12 when I really noticed things coming true. At first, it started with the basic knowing who was calling before I picked up the phone and songs that popped in my head for no reason at all and then when I turned the radio on the song would be playing. The first real experience I had that was a little odd was when I was about 12. It was about 9:00 at night. I have always been an independent person and at that age it wasn't unusual for me to stay home alone. My father died when I was 9 so it was just my mom and I that night. She wanted to go to the store for something to drink and would have only been gone for 10 minutes. For some reason I got the most scared, panicked, uneasy feeling that I had ever had. I was in tears and completely scared to stay alone. My mom thought I was being ridiculous, but called the neighbor that we were friends with to ask if I could hang out over there for a few minutes. I felt better knowing that I wouldn't be home alone, but still couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I was having. When my mom returned from the store and picked me up from the neighbor's house we went back to our house. We walked into total devastation. Every inch of the house was in shambles. Every piece of anything glass, TV, dishes, mirrors, etc. Was broken. Every inch of the floor was covered with our broken possessions. We called the police and after a short amount of time found the guy who broke in. He was found with a ball bat in his hand. Turns out he was high on drugs and just wanted to destroy something. I believe if I had been in that house when he came in, I would have been killed that night.
Over the years, many more experiences have occurred. I have dreams that come true all the time, but I don't know that they are premonitions until they come true. I don't wake up knowing that something is going to happen. Sometimes I will think of something, and then it will happen. For example, I was playing around with a pan in the kitchen and thought to myself, "It would be bad if the handle broke." The next thing I know then pan goes flying across the room and hits my friend in the face, with only the handle left in my hand.
The other thing that happens is encounters with spirits. I don't hear them, unless it's in a dream. I see them a little. I see flashes of them and I don't know if I am crazy or my eye are playing tricks, or if something is really there. However, I FEEL them big time. I feel differently with some, but a lot of the time I feel kind of scared. Not my fear, but theirs. I end up getting scared, but it's after I know I'm not alone. Lately, I have had 2 uncles die, and they have come to "visit" me in my dreams. One of my uncles was in the hospital, and I had a dream about him the night he died. My mom called me the next day saying that he had passed in the night, but I already knew. That was just two days ago. Sometimes they have messages, but sometimes they just talk to me like any other day. The other day, my cousin and I were talking about my other uncle that died back in October. He was a big part of my life, and I miss him like crazy. My cousin feels the same way, so we end up talking about him when we get together. Well, right in the middle of our conversation I was swept by this feeling of his energy. It was very obvious that he was telling me he was there with us. It was nice knowing he heard us saying nice things about him, but at the same time, I want to know that he is ok, and that he has crossed over. I am not so sure he has. I want him to be at peace. When he died, the family was on the rocks. There were many issues with his wife and kids. I am afraid he is still angry, or sad or worried. I really just want him to be at peace.
I have many, many other stories of things that have happened that I cannot explain, but way too many to tell here. I guess I just want to know how to control the things I feel and know. And, I hope I'm not completely crazy. Thanks for listening.
I know once I had this dream, trance state, and saw wot looked like a small edwardian lady in a long taffeta dress, that billowed out behind her as a train, she wears a bonnet that is tied under the chin, imagine my horror when I saw Queen victoria looks like this on a film I saw of her recently on t.v. But still why should she appear to me, I have no ideas! Anyhow the most recent sighting of her, was she was hovering 1 foot above the ground in our new bungalow garden, between the summerhouse and the oly bush, where its very dark, I won't worry about it, I'm sure there is an explantation, I didn't ask her to come, and I can't understand why she keeps appearing to me, as this ws daylight, I was on the keyboard and looking up, saw her shadow drift by! Yeak! 😆