I am forty years old now, so my dreams have been coming true for thirty five years now. I'll start with my first when I was five I was spending the night with my grandmother around five pm her insurance lady showed up to collect the monthly payment. She had another appointment down the street around 6:30 pm. She was a beautiful lady, very sweet as she waited she played with me. I remember sitting on her lap and she told my grandmother how much she enjoyed spending time with me and asked if it was okay to go down to the corner store with me to get me some candy. We were gone for about 30 minutes. She walked me in and gave me a big hug and said good bye. I remember being so sad, and all of sudden very scared for her. Around 8:00 pm grandma put me in bed. I woke at midnight crying and told my grandma about my nightmare. I dreamed that at her next appointment there was two bad men scaring and hurting her, then I seen kids playing football in a empty lot two houses, then those kids were in a garage moving a couch that was turned over. When they turned the couch in my dream I seen what I felt was my grandma's insurance lady lying under the couch her torso covered, her battered legs exposed.
Grandma comforted me and said it's only a dream. A few days past me and my mom, dad, and brothers went to grandmas for dinner and to hang out for the day. My older brothers went down the street to play with their friends. My brothers and their friends are the kids who discovered my grandmas insurance ladies battered bruised body exactly the way I had seen her in my dream. Later in life I found out that she went to her next appointment the parents were not home only their oldest son17, and his cousin 19 decided to rape rob and murder this beautiful lady that probably never hurt nobody in her life. I have had several dreams after this that I tried to tell people. I tried to stop horrible things I knew would happen, they only laughed and made fun of me. Then even after they knew I told them what would happen they still to this day refuse to see or acknowledgment what I dreamed and warned them of. People still make fun of me. I don't care I now fully understand why Jesus didn't prophecy in his own land.