Hey. I just thought that I'd share some of my experiences with you and maybe get some help. I'm still new to this whole physic medium thing.
It's been happening ever since I was little. I could tell if people were in pain, tell the future, I've had strange dreams, been in other peoples minds, read auras, sense ghosts, all that stuff. And since my thirteenth birthday, it's gotten stronger. I can talk to animals. More ghosts are appearing. I can heal other people, and sometimes I'll just be doing something normal and words start coming out of me and then something strange happens. It's so strange, and like I said, this is all very new to me. I'm young. I scare some of my friends sometimes. I have actually met some people my age with poses, but mine are different, stronger, happening more often. I guess I'll just keep writing until I reach he letter count required. I've sorta figured out a way to block the ghosts if I concentrate, but I can only do it for so long. And some ghosts are evil. I see them walking around like normal people. Sometimes I get confused. Sometimes the ghosts try to harm me. And I feel the pain. Sometimes they make me laugh. It's so weird.
So tell me, if you can, what am I? Am I normal? What can Indonesia to improve these abilities and control them? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
- Tangosgal
P.S. There's so much more.
Yet I have not mastered the ability of controlling your energy levels, yet. Though meditating has helped me be able to keep my energy levels more consistent. Some ghost can really drain you and you don't want to be energetic one moment and drained the next especially in public.
To do good? Well, that is up to you. No one can tell you now to use your powers for good. Only you know your situation and the situation of those around you. That makes you the best candidate to be a help. Don't get discouraged if things don't always work out though just do your best.
Oh!Nagging ghost are a pain, try being honest with them tell them that you need some peace and quiet or to not bug you as much, but be nice while saying this don't want to make yourself a new enemy. Usually they nag because everyone ignores them and they want attention.
Also being in nature helps you clear your mind and cleanse your soul. It is not good to be indoors all the time you can get sick from it.