All my life I have felt I am sensitive to spirits and emotions. I also have deja vu all the time and I can feel everything. I can walk into a house and feel if someone is there, living or not, I can see things ahead of time and I have dreams and day dreams that often come true.
I am about to turn 25 and on my mothers side she, my half uncle and one of my sisters is also sensitive but I am by far the strongest. My mother, my sister and I will ofter have conversations about things we feel and will very often describe the same thing but in different ways. My mother can see things ahead at great distances at times and can physically see things I can't. My sister also sees things I don't but she can't see ahead but she can feel the location of things like can. I can see a bit ahead and can immediately feel exactly where something or someone is when I walk into a room or even entire houses and the closest I can describe it is that it sounds like someone left a tv on in another room with no sound on. I can feel the high pitched noise at its source, and its not my hearing. I lost 50% of my hearing in one ear in the army. Also, I don't see spirits with my eyes, I see them in my mind like remembering a picture in motion and I can't hear them but they convey what they feel to me and I pick up on it and I can feel it on living people too. I feel that spirits can feel that I feel them and they focus on me as soon as I try to feel them and it scares me at times cause don't always like what they are feeling or that they "see" me. I have never been followed by a spirit but I don't think I am even comfortable with the thought of a tag along. Also, I know exactly what to say to people and can feel what they arent saying all the time, especially when its something important and I can feel peoples past and even see things like I'm remembering thier memories. I feel things around me all the time and it changes my mood often to react with it and everyone has always said I have too big of a heart but I don't really think that's the case.
To focus on seeing ahead, I often have day dreams or dreams in my sleep that come true with amazing detail and I say that because the one time that sticks out in my mind the most was when I was in Iraq with the army and while driving at night in night vision goggles I found an item on the side of the road but I saw it in my mind as if it were a day dream and let's just say I couldn't explain how I saw it to my boss when asked. I also often times knew exactly where to look at times as to where I really should be focusing for my personal safety that was extremely specific to not just where but when.
So basically I'm wondering where I go from here. At times I am actually scared of what I have cause I feel others who have similar gifts when I'm around and I feel they can feel me too but how do I develop this to help myself and others in my life? This is something that never goes away, even when I wanted it to, and now I'm at an age where I feel its not going to cause now I'm even stronger. Just last week I for the first time visited my girlfriends parents and stayed in their home and in the middle of the night while by myself I felt the presence of a woman that I could not see but could feel that she was bored and other specific details and when I told my girl friend in the morning she said that I described her passed grandmother who was very close to mother and that I described things I would only know if I were around her and physically saw her. Now I feel as if I can help others with this that I need to understand this in greater detail. Any ideas?
I think you and I are in the same boat. I almost jumped out of my chair when you mentioned the high pitched noise. I've had it for the last 3-4 years, and it wasn't until an "encounter" I had noticed it. Since then, the more I pay attention to the noise when I hear it, more activity happens. There is knocking that occurs and I am touched a lot. It is more like being poked by one or two fingers and it will happen anywhere (the touching and knocking). I have also had a vision in my mind once this summer, it was the first time it ever happened. It wasn't quite like a movie but the vision was in black & white. I also have empathic experiences, this had gone on for as long as I remember but I never knew there was a name for it. I work in customer service so being empathic can be great and can be REALLY bad. 😆
So, again, I'm in the same place you are because I would like to find out more about what is happening to me. This is my first post here and thank you for your post because I know that I am not alone.