So, I'm just a little confused and need a bit of advice. Sorry if I seem to babble a bit, I find it hard to write stories with out including a lot of other detail... So I'll do my best.
I think it started when I took the role of helping everyone I could. People with issues were attracted to me, and I was attracted to them too. They were inclined to tell me their issues, and I was inclined to know and help as much as I could.
Whenever I helped them I'd always be giving so much wise and deep advice, which I don't think came from me. I just knew what to say and it came without thought. I have tried to do it on purpose when it wasn't much needed but I'd get stuck for words and it wouldn't have much affect.
Whenever I got involved with their issues I was able to easily understand them. When I gave them advice they very quickly felt better, but I was left feeling worse.
Sometimes I felt overwhelmed and cried for no reason. My mum believed it was because all these negative issues and emotions that people told me of were affecting me, although she had no thought that it had something to do with being psychic. I simply assumed it was my depression screwing with my head.
It didn't take long for me to sweep up the problems and dispose of them. Most of them were affected with depression, and I think that because I have depression, that's why we had that kind of connection? If you understand what I mean? Anyway, it was mostly cleared up and I had given enough help to last them for a while. Occasionally they talk to me about smaller issues which I also help with.
I had a strong connection with a boy who suffered a bad life and depression. I always asked if he was okay whenever he wasn't, even though I didn't have a clue that something was wrong. He had on-going issues and I was always there for him.
I was then able to guess when people were upset. It was very faint. I just had a kind of hunch.
(The boy who I had a strong connection with eventually ended up leaving his girlfriend for me because we were so close and we have an even better connection now)
So, this is when it really hit me.
I was sitting in a weeping willow tree out on the farm. I go there almost every day to get away from everything and relax, get some space. You could probably say that it was meditating. I feel so at peace there. Anyway, I had been with my boyfriend for a few weeks and I had already told him all my abilities.
I had my eyes closed and my mind was very quiet. Suddenly it felt like my consciousness had been thrown somewhere else. I felt as though I'd been pulled through time or space or a dimension... Like I had been pulled through some kind of force field and I suddenly had awareness of what was going on inside that force field.
My eyes flew open and I knew it was about my boyfriend. There was something wrong. I felt so sad, angry, confused and hurt... It pains me now to think about it. I started crying and felt as if I could scream and cry for hours. I was so worried about him. When he finally replied to my texts, he told me what had happened, and it was a huge blow to him.
In my mind, the explanation of this is that his emotions were so strong, and some kind of wave, like a sound wave, traveled loud and clear just to get to me. Like thunder. And I think that's why I felt like I had been pulled through a force field. The force field was the sound wave of the thunder. It's hard to explain very clearly...
After this it was like it had been an initiation. All the strong empath stuff happened after I realized that I was able to do that. Like when you get a cut, and you don't feel the pain until you see it. I was constantly connected to not only my boyfriend but my best friend too. I continuously felt their negative emotions. I was able to help them out but honestly I was sick of carrying their negative emotions on my shoulders.
After about a week I coped better. I didn't always feel their negative emotions and thoughts. I still only feel their emotions and I don't know why not other people, such as family.
Now I've developed a bit more. I only feel their emotions when I 'zone out' and think of... Not much. It feels like a 3D shadow of their body lays inside my body and our heart chakras are aligned. Then the area of my heart chakra has a weird sensation while I feel their emotion. I don't always feel negative emotions now either.
The last thing, I can pick up information that isn't even on subject. It's like it's been imprinted on whatever has been said and I can feel it. Someone might send me a text saying 'Hey' and I'd pick up that they are upset and want help, as if that message had been imprinted onto it. I also feel whatever emotion that is imprinted on a song. It's actually quite fun and sometimes trippy.
So, my questions for you:
Is this empath? Is it also something else?
Why can I only feel the emotions of my boyfriend and best friend? Why not other people?
How do I strengthen my ability? I want to purposely be able to feel peoples emotions and be able to influence them too.
Are there any other things I can do with this ability?
If you have any advice even if it's not an answer to one of my questions, please feel free to share it. I'd also be pleased to receive simple feedback as well as advice.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.