My name is Kaitlyn.
All of my life I have been fascinated with psychics and people with special abilities and I am 14 now. I have always had deja vu but it has increased in frequency for the past couple months. In this time I have also had some dreams- not a lot but maybe once evey 2 weeks or so and they would be of the future. Not that I knew then but when it would happen I would remember I had dreamt about it before. I have had a lot of dreams that seem like they could come true but they never do.
I can predict certain things if I really focus. I have tried the zener cards many times. I close my eyes and try to go blank or concentrate on finding which symbol I feel I should choose 40% of the time it is correct. I have a bad habit of feeling that one of the symbols is probably the answer and it was but I think 'oh it will probably be this one' and I sort of guess and its incorrect but what I felt it was, was the correct answer.
A couple of times I have been places and felt that if I went a certain way the out come would have been dangerous. For an example, I go in the woods with my dad sometimes and this past weekend, we were in there and we sat with my dog for a little while and I told my dad I was going to look in this part where you have to go under a couple branches and step around a lot of fallen branches but my dad could still see me through the leaves. I was in there and I spotted a small deer trail that we could follow if we ducked down a little and as I stared at the trail I decided I wanted to avoid that area, I felt as though something wasn't right so I told my dad I didn't want to follow that small trail that day.
I have researched and I would like to develop these psychic powers if any. I have a strong feeling that I am sensitive. But I want to increase the strength of them. I am trying to start meditating because I have heard that it helps. I also listen to binaural beats and I try zener cards while they are playing and my results are better when I am doing that. I am also starting to take a journal of my dreams and any other things that I think I should write down about this kind of stuff. I do really love to draw and paint and I especially love taking pictures and photography- could there be any connection? Also, my grandmother, she has always had strong feelings about things being dangerous or a bad outcome. Sometimes she tells me of her dreams and they are very strange but sometimes they are things that have happened to her combined with things that could happen to her.
So if anyone could comment with advice or anything I would absolutely appreciate that very much. I am desperately looking for a way to let myself have stronger abilities. I feel like one day I could help my family and make our lives better. So please any help would be very much appreciated! Please comment, Thanks for your time, Kaitlyn