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Real Psychic Experiences

Message On Palm


It was a school day when I was sitting in my study hall focusing on my homework and work itself. All of a sudden I felt a tense pain in my left hand that I wrote with. Gasping and trying not to scream in pain. I looked at my hand to find a letter there! I thought it was nothing t firs so I leaned over to ask my friend if there was something on my hand. She answered "no." I was nervous and now beginning to think there was something wrong with me. Then, I thought I had just found out I was a psychic about a month ago.

I looked at my hand to find the words still there. It read. "Vow to the lord. For he speaks in detrem and careness. He watching and vows to seek the one who could be the one to die not graceful but painful. His slaves roam the Earth about to kill one by one." I started to freak out and luckily the bell rang and I was able to go to my friend for help. She wasn't psychic but she was the closest friend I had to me. I told how scared I was and she said it probably help to wear a cross she gave me her's and I walked away thanking her, heading to lunch. Lunch wasn't peaceful though it bothered me. My friend came down for lunch next and told me she needed her cross back as soon as I took it off I felt a pain jump from my chest instead she let me kept it over the weekend. I was so scared then that I just wanted to go home and sleep and peace.

It was Friday so I asked my friend who is psychic to stay over.

She stayed over for about three days and when she left. I put the cross back on my neck. Later that night I was going to go to bed when my mom saw I was wearing it to bed. I sighed and put it in my jewelry box. The next morning I woke up to put the necklace back on but it was gone!

I don't know what this all means can someone please help me please!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, palmreader__13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

gacto (3 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-18)
go to a store called beads and plenty more. Look around the shop until you find the bigger crosses (their a bit smaller than your fist) take it to the church and ask the priest a favor. Ask him if he could bless it for you. Hope this helps and good luck!
palmreader__13 (3 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-01)
It has been a while I had blood work done and went to the doctor for my chest. I am better but still suffering I was almost killed by a big light bulb I had in my hallway. It was danger but I fear more will come.
palmreader__13 (3 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
ok I will I am trying but that one was blessed by a prist and it is pure gold. ❤
damona (26 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-27)
your mom probably took it you should have hidden it try to get another one, or you may be subject to a stigmata, please please try to get another one I do not want to lose a fellow phsy.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-18)
go to the doctor and make sure it is not a physical ailment that modern can fix if caught early enough. Have some blood work done, let them test your hand, chest whatever hurts. Sometimes spiritual messages are just wake up calls. I love klove radio station by the way. They are always encouraging and don't try to sell you stuff and full of good news stories and people who seem to care and love others. The cross is just a symbol, but if it helps you find peace perhaps you should pray to Jesus and ask Him to guide you. Then you will have a guardian living in your heart and guiding you and protecting you. Not everyone believes in Jesus, but perhaps you just received your marching orders. Don't worry if you read the Bible all the people who meet angels were scared at first too. The sheperds with the host of angels that announced Jesus' birth were told "Fear not" if the being tries to scare you, then its not from GOd or any divinity that I would recognize. God is love, peace and understanding. I don't believe in contention, but I'm a mother and I prefer if my friends and kids avoided bad company. I recognize that everyone chooses their own friends but like drugs they have to be willing to pay the price for experimentation. Most coke addicts have a hard time because of the severe brain damage. Most pyschics without protection find themselves in mental wards or without abilities.
palmreader__13 (3 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-18)
Its been a few days now and I feel like I'm suffering my chest burns and sometimes I can't breathe I don't that part of it? Do you think?
A5 (2 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-17)
The words on your hand could have been a prophecy. Someone, possibly a spirit took the cross. A lot of people might die painful if it was the end of the world. If anything else happens, pay close attention. You could be in danger.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
DC, all he's doing is making a big group of psychics so they can learn and share with each other, and before you say it, NO, I am not in it, but I did my "research".
hiphappa (3 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
Um I would reply, but keep the point DCinAZ is making. We're freakin psychics we're really not in a position to turn people away without good reason. You have an intuition, you can feel stuff out for yourself in a world full of people trying to push us in corners and keep us dis-empowered we need to develop strong, clear voices of our own. But seriously be wary, if it feels wrong or bad, leave it alone
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
[palmreader__13] Please do not respond to the poster Zishu's request, This poster is currently attempting to recruit people from this site to join something called "God's Allies". I can't say for certain exactly what that means, but it does have a cult-like sound to it so please be careful.
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
There may be some type of demonic activity going around after you. You should email me and I can continue helping you from there. I will contact my friends who may have a better answer for the meaning of the message.
palmreader__13 (3 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
thank you! I go to the site right now. Bless you! 😁 ❤ ❤ thanks so much!
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
i have one more idea see there is a radio station names Klove if you go to the website you can ask questions and they with even prey for you they play music that is holy they will help you.
palmreader__13 (3 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
That's what my friend said about the pain I couldn't believe that but now I can't fing the cross! And I asked mom if I could buy one she told me with my own money. That cross was blessed 10 years ago is what my friend said
palmreader__13 (3 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
IU don't live close by a church and I told me mom and she thought I was insane!
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
are you able to talk to a priest like can you go to a church I hope this helps
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
what bothers me is not only were you in pain but also that it stopped when you put the cross on
InjuredAngelHeero (4 stories) (87 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Try burning sage, or looking into sheilding techniques to protect yourself. If you feel better thinking it is a warning of the end drawing near, then who am I to tell you otherwise.
InjuredAngelHeero (4 stories) (87 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
I know in the bible it says that Jesus will return to us, a final battle between heaven and hell will be fought, and that Jesus will rule the world as a kind King.

I don't think this is a holy message or a warning of what is to come; I think it could be a spirit trying to scare you. I'm a believer of faith, but there are more spirits that do this than acutal warnings.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Heavy stuff what the letter said. Threatening. But in one line with the many present premonitions of world-wide turmoil and lots of people dying. "Vow to the Lord" - meaning, surrender your life to God - is the way some people will be saved from this catastrophic future, not just their souls, also their bodily lives. This is taught not only in Christianity but also in Hinduism where they pray to Shiva to be saved!
This is the dawn of a time when a new People of the Lord will be called out of a new Egypt which is this greedy Western society we live in. You come from New York, the new City of the Pharaohs (now the Bankers have the role of Pharaohs and Money is their God). Thus it is no wonder why you get informed by God that the Seven Plagues are near - your city will be very much involved with them.
What is "detrem"? I am German and do not know the word. If you know no such word otherwise, perhaps you misrread one or more letters. I have the same feeling toward the word "careness" - I never heard it before.
Could the words really have meant "in detrimental clearness"?

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