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Dreams And Possible Powers - A Pointer Or Three Would Be Nice


Dreams - I am currently 14 years old and for as long as I can remember I have had extremely powerful dreams. To give an example, once when I was a kid I had a dream of sitting on a porch of a burned down house. There was heavy mist coverage and I could just make out the forms of what seemed to be two Midevil style armies to my left and right. That dream in particular has come back to me several times, and sometimes I dream of events that actually take place. When I was in kindergarten I was being disciplined by a teacher when I had an out of body experience. It might have been the results of an overactive imagination, I'm not sure, but you never know. As I believe less in the supernatural, however, it seems these dreams start to become less and less interesting. Would anyone with any ideas, advice, or similar experiences please speak up?

Possibility of Powers-

Starting about a year ago, it may've been earlier, I began to experience some extremely strange sensations in my left hand, primarily the fingers. It's almost like sticking them in Artic water, but more spread out. (there are areas in my fingers that don't feel anything.) The sensation lasts no more than a minute.

Another experience I tend to associate with this experience is sometimes when I'm drifting off to sleep I feel an acute pain, almost like my mind is withdrawing itself into a smaller ball. The sensation is acutely painful and wakes me up entirely. A similar experience occurred twice in the same week when I was 11, I woke up and could hear, sorta smell, and see a little. When I tried to move, however, My body would not respond. Then I realized I couldn't control my breathing. It came in slow gasps that didn't feel like enough to me, so I tried to call for help but my voice wouldn't work. I think I might've passed out because both times I remember waking up a few minutes later.

The last thing I wish to address is a slight affinity for rain control. It happened 1 year ago during the summer while I was staying with my dad in Woodland Park, Colorado. That summer all I wanted to do was lay around and play videogames, but my dad wanted me to go outside. So everyday around noon I would look at the sky and imagine it raining when my dad got home so he couldn't send me outside. Amazingly it worked and it rained for 2 weeks.

I don't know what to make of these events and would appreciate a pointer or three from anyone experienced in these matters.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, UnfulfilledPotential, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
I can truly see all sides of this particular debate. And I agree with ALL the posters.

Let me share with you a little example, if I may.
A few years back, my Mentor and I were readying for a Festival. At the festival, we were selling wares (to bring that particular coven out of the red), and had no covering tent. The forecast for the week showed no rain, but it was clouding up pretty thickly. Collectively, the others...prayed...for sun for the day.
I was not a part of that, though I watched my Mentor quite closely (I learn better that way). By the time the Festivals begin time arrived, the clouds had moved out, and it was a gloriously sunshiny day.

I LOVED that the group pulled together. I LOVED that they prayed from their various locations in the city and beyond.

I can NOT say that they controlled the atmospheric pressures, however.
Even though I was THERE, and witnessed SOME of it (I was not with everyone. I was only with my mentor for the entire day. The others, we met up with) I can NOT, question free, state that they DID change the weather.
I watched the clouds roll out. I heard the prayers. I watched the sun burst through.
The weather forecast had showed NO rain...

I am no longer with The Coven. Have not been for a while. Mainly because of coincidence that was accepted as proof of various things. But I am still looking into those few possibilities that I went there to learn.
Thank you.
UnfulfilledPotential (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
Thanks for the help everyone. If anyone else has anything to add please do, just be aware that I may be unable to respond to your post for quite awhile. 😊
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
UN- That's a good idea. Also, when on the computer, or playing video games, you may want to rest your wrists on something, or get one of those jelly wrist pillows. They can help with pain and posture.

I'd definitely be proactive, though, when it comes to possibly getting carpul tunnel. It can get so bad that surgery is required, and its pretty sucky.

Take care. 😊 ❤
UnfulfilledPotential (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-04)
As I said before, the doctor didn't find anything. He did, however, say that I might want to cut back on the videogame and texting, which I have.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
UP, that's good that you've been to a doctor. May I ask, what "condition" was diagnosed? The one that concerns me the most has to do with your hands. I have a condition in my thumbs, called DeQuervain's Syndrome. * 😆 it is a funny name!* Please google it. It occurs because of overuse of the thumbs. Texting, video games, etc. Are of particular concern for young people. And while you're at it, do some research about Carpel tunnel syndrome.

Both of these syndromes are very painful, and the symptoms ARE what you describe. If not treated, they WILL cause severe problems later on in your life.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Darkstar, that's a good point. Being able to sense it coming.

I don't appreciate being called an as$hole. As many times as I've felt like calling people on this site the same, I have used restraint. It's what grown-ups do.
UnfulfilledPotential (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Hey sorry for not responding earlier, I hsvr not been able to use a computer for a while. I just want to point out that I was asking a QUESTION about the possibility of a gift. I do not understand why people have made this into a debate on whether any of this is real or not. I would also like to say that I have had my "condition" examined and the doctors found nothing wrong with me.
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Alright give it a rest, I think its bullsh*t just like you but their is a line from proving your point to coming off as a$$holes.

Personally, I believe that certain empathies or claircognizance may be able to feel the weather/know it ahead of time, thus seeming like the cause it to happen.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
DC- Don't forget the infamous- "FML, its a demon" one. That seems to be the diagnosis for just about every butt cramp, sprain, and splinter around here. 😆
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
I think you wait for the medical assesment before proclaiming that you KNOW what it is. And just as in a medical assessment, many more questions should be posed. I don't find it helpful at all going from one story to another and just announcing "This is what your ability is" and moving on as if you are on rounds at the hospital.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Yeah, I'm beginning to think there's no point discussing, either, because so many of you hide behind veils of secrecy and won't answer our questions, regarding the authenticity of said subject.

A valid point HAS been brought up, concerning said topic- why do we not see aid in times of drought or catastrophic weather, or for that matter, abnormal weather patterns?

Now, I'm going to go debater on you all...

Say there is one person who "wills" a weather pattern. Well, regarding what "iAmNOtNOrmal" said, there is a probability that it may or may not happen.

Now, that is one person. Think about statistics, population, and probability.

If these abilities were to exist, there would be multitudes of these people around the world. Think about how many people are in a state, then country, then consider the entire world. The numbers would add up.

Now, as goes with probability, combined with statistics, the probability in a weather pattern change/ freak weather incident would considerably rise, making it possible for this to happen several times within a 24 hour time frame.

With this in consideration, it would be impossible for abnormal weather patterns to happen inconsistantly and at a gradual rate.

The signs are clear. Even psychic abilities, no matter how fictitious, have to bend to fit the natural laws of probability and statistics.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Notnormal, please see my second post on this thread. Train ride?
iAmN0tN0rmaL (2 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Like I said before he may or may not be able to do what he says he can do. So I suggest he check with a doctor, it might by a symptom of a medical problem. But WE don't know that and I am not "insisting" that he has the ability. What if it isn't a medical problem, then what do you think?

moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
I know what this website is about. I also know they aren't "powers". Hence, the use of the quotation marks. This is what the people on this site call them, so yeah, if you live in a fantasy world things do tend to become cartoonish.

*SIGH* Do you have these "powers"? If not, then please allow those who do (?) answer the questions posed.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Tes this site is about psychic experiences, not a fantasy land that you can redesign at whim. It's counterproductive to say to EVERY poster that gives a symptom that they have an ability and you know personally what that ability is. Are you so sure that what that person has is not medical in it's origin? What if it turns out that you're wrong and that person delayed seeking treatment and now will suffer a lifetime of pain because you insisted they actually had an ability?
iAmN0tN0rmaL (2 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
There is no point on arguing about this. Everybody has their own opinion, that includes agreements and disagreements.

DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Here it is again. Where in the world do people get the idea that an ability is somehow a power to be wielded at will? 😕 🤔
iAmN0tN0rmaL (2 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
There not POWERS, you make it sound like one of those marvel characters. It's not like the people that have that ability can use it 24/7.They doubt that they could stop global warming or Hurricane Katrina.

Again this website is about psychic experiences.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Okay then. Why can't ONE OF YOU who have these "powers" do something about global warming? Or why didn't anybody stop Hurricane Katrina? And why won't one of you help with the drought in the Southwestern U.S.?

I'll tell you why: because it's a bunch of bull. No one has super-human "powers".
iAmN0tN0rmaL (2 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
UnfulfilledPotential may or may not have those abilities but it is possible to have them. Some people don't believe in it, but that's their opinion.

Keep in mind that this is a website about psychic experiences.
There is a lot more to this world than what some people think.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
I agree, Shinigami. If even a few who claim this "power" were to use it simultaniously, it would truely be the end of the world as we know it!
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Man, this site is becoming rediculous.

Last time I checked with anyone who has legit abilities, they have always been SUBTLE.

If anyone were able to control weather conditions at will, don't you think the natural atmospheric cycle would be more than a bit abnormal? Wouldn't at least one person wish it to snow in the summer, if they lived in, say Florida, if such abilities existed?

I honestly wonder how some of you function in REALITY and deal with social situations...
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Because this is REAL LIFE! Why do you people have such a hard time with that? Yes, psychic ABILITIES (NOT "POWERS") are inherent in everyone. Causing weather conditions to suit your mood happens in Harry Pothead movies. Please...
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Not that I'm saying he has the abilities, BUT I have to say, how do you know he never made the conditions "ripe"
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Absolutely have to agree that everything happens for a reason. It rains because the atmospheric conditions are ripe. Not because a teenager doesn't want to go outside. 😆
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Two things:
1. No such thing as coincidences. Everything is done for a reason whether good or bad.

2. Everyone is a psychic. So even if this doesn't prove your psychic abilities, your still psychic and you still have abilities.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
taffyinky, that's why we're here, to give our opinions. But, I think before we jump on the "yes you've got powers" train, the medical aspect should be ruled out first. If there is an underlying medical reason for these experiences, then it should be treated asap, if not, then we can get on the train and ride.
OperatorX (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
Perhaps you should go to the doctor about your pain, before making that big of an assumption.

Also, in some places, it is quite normal for it to rain around the same time of day for a while.
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
I am disagreeing with moonshine about your gifts. You might have the ablility to manipulate your energy. Do your fingers feel as if they are numb, tingly, and/or feel pressure there? If so then you probably do. I also have this gift and can help you with it. You can e-mail me at decker.tm13 [at]

I don't fully know about what happen to you in your bed but you might have been attacked by a demon. Do you feel as if you are being watched or feel negative energies around you? To get rid of a demon all you need to do is to tell it to go away with confidence and no fear. Humans have more power than we think allowing for other beings to take control of us.

As for your third gift, you are hydrokinetic. You have the ability to manipulate rain. I have this gift as well but I don't use it so I don't quite know how to control it.

Remember, there are no such things as coincidences!
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
1. Carpel tunnel syndrome, from playing too many video games

2. A pinched nerve in your neck, coupled with sleep apnea and/or sleep paralysis

3. La Nina, or El Nino... In other words: coincidence

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