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My Abilities Are Always Changing


Hi everyone my name Yamina and this is my problem you see I have several types of psychic abilities but they always change so every several months my ability changes and I end up with new abilities and my some of my old ones will be gone but the only ones that have not changed are the premonition and precognition. The ones I have right now are ones that I like a lot and I would like to keep them but I can't figure out why my psychic abilities are always changing I don't want my abilities to keep on changing every year I want to stick to the ones I have right now. This has been happening since I was about 12 and I'm 15 turning 16 in a couple months. Can anyone explain to me about what going on is it normal for someone ability to keep on changing. I also have one more problem I used to only see shadows but now the ability starting to get stronger and so now I can feel and see them even more and it getting out of hand because I can feel them watching me when I sleep or when I stay up late and sometimes they call me but I ignore them and it getting to the point where I can't sleep with the light off, I don't like this at all because it making me feel like a prisoner in my own room any help or advise would be great.

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Cheesepants (1 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-21)
Its also happening to me. Its very annoiying. I got my abilities when I was 12 too. But if I stop using it. It just go away. Then I get a new one. I can control peoples mind and change what they are going to do. But every time I stop using it. It just gone Away. I always try to get it back by meditating or practice. Then it just come back later. You can try it maybe it will help

😁 😁 😁
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
Thank you sophia93 that good advice and I plan on trying that as well thank you.
sophia93 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-11)
hi I'm isis and sometimes I have the same promble of spirts not leaving me alone or creeping me out so I use this thing my friend taught me:focus, breath, now close your eyes imagine that there's this bright energy building up in your mind now let this energy start flowing out of you wraping itself around you like a bright buble ball now mentally say I'm using this to ward you off its also important to picture yourself the way you are at the moment every movement and as much detail as possible, like your watching yourself do this while you are breathing and sending out the energy, pratice this a couple of times and eventually it will become like your first defensive instinct
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-06)
I was saying that, tell me in detail about the changing in your abilities? You can contact me at xyokai [at]
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-06)
Sesshomaru can you rewrite that I am having trouble trying to understand what you are trying to say.
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-06)
Lilylove, may I know that recently you was having which psychic abilities and those abilities change into whichpsychic abilities? Because only then I shall be able to help you! And from your unchanged precognition ability, shadows in your room and your love towards moon I am sure that your third eye is opening
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
wow thank you for your comment it made me smile sadly I am not a Sagittarius my brother is though I happen to an aquarius. We do happen to be similiar and your the first so far other then me who loves the fullmoon that pretty cool. It nice to know you.
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
Hi lilylove! I know this has nothing to do with your account here, but I was reading your profile. You and I are very similar. I love horses and had two also at your age! I love the full moon, and coyotes, and STARBUCKS! Are you by chance a Sagittarian? 😊
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
I just remembered today that I have another ability I can't believe I forgot this one I can control time chronokinesis I have actually had this one for a long time I keep forgetting that it an ability because sometimes I think it normal to control time. I can slow down time or make it go by faster I use it sometimes for school so the day goes by faster and my night hours are go by slower so I get more sleep does anyone else have this ability? 😲
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)
I used to be able to tell when someone was lying like a bell would ring it was stronger when I was 13 then it went away and came back but not as strong as it was 2 years ago. I would know answers to a question like a test for school not anymore. I used to speak to my guide by telepathy but now it hard to hear her. There were several more but it hard to name them all because there no name for them. I now have Environmental Empathy,
Pyrokinetic,Clairaudience, and I can control energy as well I can barely see auras. Empathy is a natural gift I have had my entire life. Creating a wall sounds like a good idea so I am going to try that thank you.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-03)

Abilities, like our bodies develope as we age... You say your 'primary abilities' have remeained the same... The Precog and Premonition abilities that is. What others have 'manifested' and then gone away... Which ones, other than 'seeing/hearing/feeling do you currently have.

You can raise mental Shields to 'ward off' the spirit's you are seeing... Just picture a wall between you and them in your minds eye... A wall they can not get past unless you let them... This is not as easy as it sounds and you may feel you've 'lost touch' with everything at first... If you Pray, ask for defences, if you have a Spirit Guide ask for aid in shielding you from them...

If you have questions please ask.



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