I watch films and dramas of hauntings but I never really believed it. My house isn't that old and my life hasn't got any hidden secrets. I'm not a real gothic or emo type, but over a year ago, I lost a close friend to me, a boy. Not my boyfriend, but my best friend's boyfriend. He was accidentally shot by an air rifle. Now it really did knock me back. I would quickly see him in a crowd or on tv, nothing major. I just believed my eyes and my mind were getting carried away. But it was getting stronger. As I started to move on with everything, I began my life again, so did all my friends and my best friend finally became herself.
Like any other teenage girl at weekends, I would stay up late, watch tv, ate junk food, you know the usual. But at 12:30am ish I would find myself alone in the dark watching tv. The sound would flicker and the channels changed, like most of you reading this now, I too put it down to bad electrical problems. But over the last weeks I will see him in mirrors and his name on things that it shouldn't be on and clear pictures of him will appear on the other side of the windows. Dreams of him, become clear and right before he talks I will awake.
Now the reason I write to you is that it takes a lot for me to be scared, but right now I am. Tell me it's my mind, or tell somewhere I can get him to speak.
Help Me, Emily
Don't be scared, feel lucky.