I just turned 18.
Ok so I'm not saying I'm psychic or anything more but I've had weird experiences and I'd like to know if everyone gets them, or if anyone else has had them, or if I'm just odd? I'm just looking for answers.
Some things I do I already understand, but some I don't.
Firstly one of the things I don't understand is; quite often, in any situation, I can tell when something's going to happen just before it happens. I do this by just picturing the scenario of what I think will happen, a lot of the time I just do it, it just happens, but then a lot of the time I sit and think about the scenario first. And I'm right around 80% of the time (or more?).
Also another thing I don't understand is; I get Deja Vu way more than the average person, I'm sure. I mean it happens all the time, and usually isn't even connected with dreams. One of the weirdest examples of this which sticks in my mind is a while back in a city close to my home town, two young girls committed suicide by jumping off a bridge at around 6 in the morning. The recount of my story starts later that day, when some people I know where making sick jokes about it, and I said "look you told me this joke yesterday and I'm sick of hearing it, you're being disgusting." I remembered the conversation, and I was sure the girls had died the previous day because I had thought about it that night. I don't understand how I could have known about it the day before it happened, and assumed my friends had made the jokes the day before too?
Lastly, this is the thing I understand most about but not entirely; I'm extremely good at reading emotions, even of people I don't know. I've always been able to do this, just by looking at people I can tell what they are like (auras? I don't know?) and what they feel like, though I don't think this is considered being psychic, but maybe I'm wrong. I can just usually feel how they are feeling? If that makes any sense? I find it particularly easy to do when something is happening, some sort of situation that affects people differently. I can tell how different people feel about it.
So does anyone else experience these weird things? Or are they not weird, and just part of life? People don't talk about it very often.