When I was ten, something very strange happened. At ten, I had a dream, a dream of two animals, and how they died. They were both about two little dogs and one was a puppy. Both of these two dogs I cared about, and what happened was I dreamed that one of those dogs were poisoned and one was hit by a car. About two and a half weeks later I questioned the people what had happened to those dogs and the first person told me "he was poisoned" I went the next person and he said "she got hit." I couldn't believe what they had said. I dreamed about this, I saw this happen before it even did. There were a few other crazy experiences I've been through, through the years in my life.
It wasn't four years later I had another psychic experience. This time I was afraid of what I felt. Yet, again, it happened for real. However, it wasn't a dream this time. I closed my eyes to go to sleep and all of a sudden I got really hot and saw a flash of purple and white when I closed my eyes. As soon as this happened, I was terrified and I woke my sister up, I told my sister in a panicked voice " Sis, someone is going to die in our family, a friend, someone we know." She was frightened herself. I went up to check on my father, he was alright, I calmed down though and ended up going to sleep eventually. The following days I was still thinking about that night, two days later, a close friend to the family, that was sort of like my cousin, died in a motorcycle accident. Now, I'm not for sure if these were psychic experiences, but I believe they were.