I see flashes of my future before it happens I can remember flashes from when I was very young but a lot of the flashes I see I don't remember until after they are happening. I also would hear voices in my head that went along with these visions. For instance, a couple of years ago I was at a shop looking at clothing. Before I went, when I was at home the day before or even the same day, I had a vision of me I think I was getting a blue jumper (the blue jumper was definitely in my vision) and I got this blue jumper. There are still things that haven't yet happened yet I am waiting to happen.
I thought that everyone could hear that spirit and I tried to talk to the voice I heard but I didn't know that it was my future that I was seeing until later when it happened. I had a vision of me using a computer a couple of years ago and recently I bought a computer. There are periods in my life that I may not have been psychic and I was unaware of my psychic abilities and earlier and later times when I had it. I thought maybe it was somebody else's life I was seeing. The visions don't come all at once sometimes I see a flash of something that will happen and then years later perhaps I see another flash of another part of that event or something very similar. When the thing is happening, I remember where I was and what I was doing when I had the vision but I do not necessarily remember that I had the vision before (I forget about it).