There seems to be a greatly growing talk of a similar dream lately. A dream of war; which is funny, because it sounds sort of odd to 'dream of war'. Though I guess there are some who do wish for it. But I'm not sure why.
What I know, is that, collectively, everyone seems to be feeling something, something eventful, and some thing that will bring great change. I have been whispered to, to be prepared, and I think that's true. We should be ready. For anything, for everything. But what if we're not getting ready the right way? A lot of people are focused on the fighting part, but what about before, what about after? There are people that will tell you there will be a fight between heaven and hell, some will say between 'humans' and those of us that are a different kind of people, others will say it will be a fight between technology and nature. And so it seems, everyone is about the fight. Even those who are all gun-ho for happiness and joy, are still about the fight. And of course there are those who believe fighting is the only way to get their point across and make a point that they're right and everyone else is a failure. I'd like to make it a point that I strongly disagree. Because no matter the number, no matter the size or the power or the hope, is anyone really going to 'win'?
The world has always needed balance of what is found in darkness, and what is found in light, and what is found in between. It's always been like that, and through everything we are about to go through, it will still be like that. What scares me is the wrong people are butting heads.
What I can tell you, and what many others can tell you, is the world is changing. It's fighting back for what 'humans' have done to it. Not to say some things weren't necessary for human survival, but what humans forgot was they aren't the only ones that live here. And they'll soon realize that. And as the world changes, there are people that change with it, become more aware, stronger, more in sync with who and what they really are. But what the hell is going to happen when all of us like that turn our backs on each other and point swords instead? It's going to cause pain, it's going to cause suffering, and it's all going to be for nothing, because in the end we'll end up right back where we started.
Yes, there are those who want to fight, because it's what they do. And in turn the 'other side' will fight back to maintain and prove they can be just as strong. But who you want to fight with, did you ever take a step back and look at the real differences about you? How about the similarities? The biggest question some people think they are forced to answer by support of nothing but their own morals is...
Light or Dark?
But why? So some of you pray to the heavens, the lovely light above, what keeps things pure, the 'good' part of life. And you others, your allegiance resides in the dark, in what some call 'evil', in chaotic things, demons, death. And that's the difference, the only real difference; Light or Dark. But what's the same? Because you can't seem to really figure it out, because you're so damn busy polishing your swords and readying for war. What's the same? You're all willing to fight. You're willing to give yourself for what you believe is the right way, the way that will win, when deep down you're not sure if you will. You all know you belong somewhere, and will do anything to make sure you get there. You all think you've got something to prove.
I know everyone has heard it; Choose a side. Choose, choose, choose. But just because you're dreaming of battles and fights and fires and demons doesn't mean you have to choose the way you think you do. Yeah, change is right around the corner. Yeah, you're dreams can come true. But isn't it also true that the universe has ways of being very cryptic when leaving a message? You see demons, but who are the demons of this world, of this time. What demons need to be fought, and dealt with. Not the demons you think.
Personally, I can't do what so many try and tell me I have to do to survive. I will not pick a side, because I'm already on my side, and I don't have to move a step either direct to get there.
'To one side the darkness calls,
Dark eyes find me,
To the other light shines true,
Light eyes find me too.
The sun casts it rays,
But storm clouds fight to banish,
A hand laid on each side,
Victorious win,
Present pains will vanish,
Not by god light, not by sin.'
That is what I know, that is what pushed me to post this. And some of you will scoff and say I'm foolish, that I will 'die in my ignorance' and 'regret not taking a side.' I am not ignorant, because this is what I know, though I don't quite understand, and I know I'm not the only one.
I'd love to hear what anyone has to say, but if is lengthy or more in depth than the average comment, my email is on my profile. =)
Until Again