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Real Psychic Experiences

Life's Mysteries


I have been reading many stories and posts on this site, and have noticed the lack of knowledge of most people.

I have therefore decided to share some of the knowledge

Gained over the past 50 years with those who want to listen.

What I am about to tell you was given to our Rescue Circle in the 1960s in the form of lectures by very highly developed spirit guides.

You can accept or reject, it is up to you.

There have been quite a few stories about Lucifer on this site. During one of our seances the guide explained to us that Lucifer was an Archangel but became too curious. He wanted to look "behind the veil" to see what happened and what God did before the "big bang". He was immediately absorbed back into the Godhead and ceased to exist.

If any spirit tells you that he is THE Lucifer he is lying. He may however just be using the name.

Now, you may be asking yourself, if Lucifer is gone who is looking after the hell? Good news. There is NO hell! To quote one of our spirit guides: "If there was a hell the creation would not have been the wonder it is, but a colossal catastrophe."

However don't for one moment think that you can lie, rob and rape and not pay for it. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The scale must be leveled.

Once you have passed over to spirit life you and your guide (s) will look at the Akashic records and all the good and evil deeds done. You will then decide when you will reincarnate and what experiences you must go through to pay for all evil done. I repeat, the scale must be leveled.

You will now realize the cause of life's misery.

In lighter vein. During one of our lectures the spirit guide was asked whether there was any other intelligent life in the universe.

He replied: "Oh the vanity of the human race. In parts of the universe the spirits are so highly developed that even we are unable to go there. If compared to earthly humans, you are like worms crawling in the mud."

The Creator of the universe is called many names, and all of us wants to know more about Him. In my next story I will tell what I have learnt from the Spirit World.

God bless.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, spookvanger, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Martin (129 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Shaolin, which is why, if you spend a good deal of time and energy writing a post, you should be careful not to add any kind of abusive comment, because the whole post might be gone. All right, new comments on this thread are disabled. I got other things to do on a saturday afternoon.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I'm aware that martin is an authority on this site, however, the removing of knowledge from a database even goes against the terms of commenting on this site. I also see that much of the knowledge in the posts presents some needed "connect the dots" about how ignorance and stupidity correlate, and even feed on one another.
Martin (129 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Cleaned up the thread. Any kind of threats, whether real or veiled or even non physical, will not be tolerated.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
As well, whitebuffalo, I hope you realize me finding that your statements were about me to an extent, is an obvious thing. Someone pointed out that I looked like a bully, you said you don't think the poster is a bully, just trying to bring fear and confusion. Well, it's obvious that part was about me, so glaringly obvious I'd swear your deductive reasoning already suffers from my works. Wait, it has.

However, I do realize I'm not the only one who one upped on anyone. I'm going to have to ask you to keep such blatantly stupid, as you call them, statements, to yourself.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
". As explained in my previous post to you, all guides are being monitored by their "controls""

Spook, what makes you certain that this info is correct? How do you know it's true.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Please forgive me again, spookvanger for the interruption to your page.
The fact that you personalised my statement says so much more about you than anything else I have seen as of yet.
I will not engage in a site argument with you. I did not ask you for any kind of proof, nor did I say I needed any.
I said the name calling, the rudeness and the like is no longer tolerated on this site. I have no problems with you stating what your assumed abilities are. Personally, I am not here for that. I am here to put an end to the space that is no longer as safe as it SHOULD be.
Stop reading MORE into what I wrote than what I DID write. If you have that sharp of a Talent, then you would simply KNOW what I was referring to in ALL of those comments. As you do not understand, allow me to clear THAT up, as well.
First: Eric did HIMSELF in.
The discussion is fine. Calling people dumb (or other words that generally mean the same thing) is NOT. Nor is any other comment used to "prove" superiority of brain waves.
NOT your MIND, your BRAIN.

You want to blind me?
Go for it.
Try to strike me deaf while you are at it. I do not really give a rip, as YOU hold NO POWER over me.
I will not allow you.

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge. Ignorance is NOT a bad thing. It just means a person has not encountered that experience before. STUPIDITY is what you SHOULD be warring against. Stupidity is turning away from presented knowledge. It is the CHOICE to refuse to learn. You SHOULD be instilling knowledge, instead of a few of the snide remarks that flagged me TO you.
I (underlined 5,000 times) have one more chance?
I do?
Disrespect your intelligence? No, I never disrespected ANYONES intelligence. Only asked you all to look a mite further than what you all believe you already know. There is SO MUCH that has no documentation that COULD be truth.
Good luck.
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Hi! Lekker om van jou te hoor.
In case you have missed it, look up my reply to Rashida re guides who lie. I agree with you, I have never had such an experience.
Blessings to you.
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I have never thought of monitoring my guide/s as I have always trusted them explicitly. As explained in my previous post to you, all guides are being monitored by their "controls"
Your question re the Akashic Records are most interesting, and I have no definite answer to that. My opinion:As the Records are displayed like a film,i.e.the actual happenings are shown, it is highly likely that there can be different interpretations.
As far as the word Elohim is concerned the explanation there would be that God is a Trinity viz: God the Creator, God the Destroyer and God the Preserver, all in One.
Therefore both are correct.
Your positive input in these discussions are truly appreciated.
Blessings to you.
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Hoe gaan dit met spookvanger?

As always, dankie vir die story, dit was baie interessant:-) Unfortunately it's hard to find mature-minded truth-seekers here sometimes, so thank you for sharing and stimulating discussion.

Many people have hit this one on the head, but it's so true that you create your own reality. Karma exists in all religions in some form, even the "do unto others" principle in Christianity touches upon it. You get back what you put in, if not in this life, than in the next. "Hell" is too simple a construct. Unfortunately, we like to simplify things and assign labels to things that we don't really understand.

Rashidah, you always post many interesting arguements, but I have to say that my Guides have never lied to me. They don't always answer, and sometimes I have misunderstood things, but never have they misled or lied. I'm not sure I can agree... Can you elaborate here?

Blessings vir julle:-)
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Oh by the way whitebuffalo, I will one up anyone who tries to discredit me, no exceptions. I'm sure you can understand, even if you don't agree, that letting those who are ignorant "show off the best fuel economy" is not a good idea. My one ups aren't to be arrogant or to show off, they are to reiterate the fact I am here to do a job, and I will do it, and I will not let ignorance get in my way, which includes not letting it look better. I don't mean it as an insult to you or anyone else, not do I mean it to make them look bad, it's just I myself, will not look less intelligent, and less knowing than those who only think they know.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Bookdygin, I know you didn't know this, which is no problem, but bbdeathspark and I talk all the time, and that comment was a friendly ribbing, not a challenge:P

I will read your topic and see if I have any input.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
I do not THINK the poster is trying to be a bully. I believe the poster is trying to instill fear and confusion. The only thing THAT does is leave those out who are TRYING to truly understand what the heck is going on with them.
I lied.
It ALSO makes those who have real gifts, who have doubts, who have no support from a loving environment (which CAN come from a place other than HOME) leery of even mentioning that their curtain flips up seconds before someone comes through the front door.
Goes straight back to when the new electrical/fuel cars FIRST came out and new owners were singing it's praises. "MY car got 150 miles to the gallon", "Well, MINE gave me 300". Dang crud was all up over the news.

Threats, veiled or otherwise have to stop. Calling of names is over.
And DO NOT mess with my Sparky. Leave him the Hades alone. The past is the past. LEAVE IT THERE, Peeps.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)

I've been reading, and watching and wondering...

I would like to ask you a few questions and extend an invitation to you... If you don't mind... Could you 'come on over' and read my 'story' ( It's Title is Energy and the Beginging of Everything. I'm curious as to what your thouhgts may be.

WB I beg an indulgence from you before I ask this next question so please understand I'm not trying to add 'fuel to the fire' but this needs to be asked because I feel the poster is attempting to be a bully and this is the main reason for this invitation to my 'story'...

Sholin... You said to bbdeathspark

"Hehe. Bbdeathspark, surely you're the last one I need to prove my powers to after I dismantled eric?"

It's funny how you have been respectful to Rash and others... Generated some very intresting points of debate... But the above quote from you...I'm not down with that. Bbdeathspark ADMITS he's new to this, and that he's only 13... BACK OFF and come play with someone who may just have some 'answers' for you. Thanks.


Sorry, gotta call 'em as I see 'em. Please feel free to follow along if this is allowed to continue in a dignified, debate style of conversation... Or maybe I've manageed to get myself censored, or baned and if that's the case, my Humble Apologies to one and all.


whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
All right. LAST chance.
ENOUGH of the "one upmanship". You KNOW who I am talking about. Stop, Now.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Lol DC, only when your in the debate. Then people will say your not sharing opinions etc... Saw it in a dream, really. *literally*
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Hey Sparky. Hey Joe.
Tell how quiet it gets once my name shows up here.
Or maybe it will get loud, with voices of those I never heard of before, huh? 😆 😆 😆
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
naturalscience, its nice to find one on the same wavelength of thought as I am.

To the others, we will just have to agree to disagree. I can see we will not be able to convince each other of how the world was created or whether there is an exisitence of hell or God.

However, there is one common thread I find in all of us: the wish to help others.

We may not agree on the methods or the reasoning or many other things, but can we please focus on that one common thread and take arguments and negative comments to email. Even if you speak the brutally honest truth. It is still BRUTAL and should be done carefully and only when the person requests that input.

I probably offend some people with my post, but I try my best only to speak if I think the other person will listen, when I realize we are both going to hold firm to our beliefs, I try to change the topic to things we can agree on and how it can help make the world better. There is enough fighting and trouble in the world. Let us come together in peace and help each other find our own individual Truth and how to apply it in our lives and for the benefit of the world.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
"First it was Eric, then Darkstar then waywardelementalists and now Shaolin. Make up your mind please. Or is it that your imagination is running away with you?"

Wow Rashidah, you get more innacurate each day you talk to me. Please cross off Dark and Shaolin. I'm not saying he's special, just saying what he is. Zen? Pffft. Don't even START with him. Wayward is the only one that you got right. Get into the habit of asking me questions, instead of assuming the worst things. It's ANNOYING.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)

You have a very big list of people who you refer to as having special abilities and immense powers.

First it was Eric, then Darkstar then waywardelementalists and now Shaolin. Make up your mind please. Or is it that your imagination is running away with you?

I will know someone with power IF I know them personally. If someone is great we will all know. They would not have to come out and actually tell us. The whole world would actually see manifestations of their abilities. You catch where I am coming from? Or is this information to much for you to handle.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Something else I should clear up is a void being is a being that did not come from a universe, whether created by a being or not. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be half void. If you were created directly then you are still a void being. I was not created I just came to be. I have a few universe but they contain void beings bound there so they aren't trouble.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Rashidah you are correct in some cases. Some things that come to be are beings, some universes, and ome beings create universes. The void is the term used for the "nothing" things come from. It's not an actual space, so therefore it's not negative energy that comes from universes, it's literally calling nothing something.

As well, there are void beings who both help and harm this and other universes. Those voids are the ones who want yo you to worship them, the "god" everyone keeps referring to is a void who wants your unwavering worship, and thus made darn sure the bible was created. It was the harmful voids that bred the negativity in this universe in the first place, when it first came to be there was no need for balance, it was only "good and light."
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
OK then. Let me make myself more clear.

First off:
A discussion, I can tolerate. A debate, I might even join in on. But the name calling, the temper tantrums and the immature approach TO a debate NEEDS to end.

Shaolin, I am well aware that this "this is a thread about life's mysteries" and that opposing THOUGHTS will be posted. But the obvious smart act comments and snide remarks were what I was referring to.
Sparky, dang skippy I have been watching it. Been missing for a mite here, and came back to several heated arguments. Been watching a LOT on here, some good information finally leaking in, you know? 😉
The "egging" on, and the "tempting" needs to quit. Calling someone dumb does not diminish the ignorance that so many seem to worry over, but do nothing about. Personally, it pisses ME off, but, that is just me.
Mutual Respect people. Let us ALL work on that.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Uhhh Rashidah, I know you think I'm an "anime freak" despite the fact I don't watch it, our tv very much, if at all, But... You DO realize Shaolin's a void being right... I mean, I know from personal experience, but for those who don't, you can see it in the way he types how he seems to have I don't know, Not experience, but I guess... Not sure, but still, he's a void being... 😐
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
I think what spookvanger was trying to say is that the void beings are the creators themselves (please correct me if I am wrong).

But from them came about lesser beings that are responsible for the wars that we see here today. These are the beings that want us to worship them.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Im going to state one more thing for now. I find it hilarious you would believe a void being on their word right now... Honestly its void beings who started the corruption in this universe. The very spiritual war you'll all be very much aware of at some point or another was started by beings you holy so highly spookyanger. If that makes you never believe me either, well, I'm sure I'd rather have to work for your trust than you believe a vast majority of the void beings out there.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Good Morning everyone.

This is a very good topic and I take great interest in it. And I really really really do not want to see this page closed down. So can we all start over? Thank you <3

Can you tell me how you monitor your guides? I understand where you are coming from in terms of spending years with them. But I have spend years with mine and I believe him to be truthful.

I guess our guides differ on this view of god and lucifer. Well at least you spent have 50 years with yours. So you were able to build a rock solid trusting relationship with them.

In terms of The Akashic Records, is it possible that guides can each interpret them differently?

I understand where you are coming from in the creation story. That makes sense, your guides were showing you how god made the universe. In which the bible did not explain.

Now Lucifer told me that there are more than one god that created us all. I did further research on this. I found out that the Hebrew word Elohim which is falsely translated into ONE GOD in the book of genesis actually means Gods. Did your guides tell you this also?

Oh boy I had to literally search for your replies on this post 😆
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Hehe, what I mean by visions are these communications you have with else planes beings. I'm going to tell you right now, the ratio of spirit beings that wish humans well compared to the ones who wish humans out of the spiritual worlds is 1:1000000 at the least. There aren't too many spirit beings who tell humans the truth because somewhere in every human is the desire to do at least one harmful thing with their abilities, even if they don't think it's harmful. I'm actually on humans side, I want humans to know what's out there, it would help many behave better, and provide the ones who want to help themselves and others tools they so very need to do so.

The curse of ignorance apply not to the earth plane only

That is true, however, until you can recall your life or lives as a spirit, if you've ever had any, I highly suggest against speaking out against ignorance. Many who think they know do not, and many who think they are wrong are right, merely because of misguidance. I listen to my soul, not other beings. I KNOW I'm right.

One last thing here, insulting me doesn't faze me, it only shows how you are when faced with something you don't want to hear. There are plenty of people who know I'm correct, they felt in their souls for the truth, and found it. I've talked to people who have looked into their souls before I met them, and right away realized I know what I'm talking about. If you can sense yours or others souls I suggest you feel mine out, you'll fine I'm never fooled, never mislead, never wrong.
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
No offence taken. We at least agree on the "hell" story.
As far as the Biblical Creation and the Big Bang is concerned, they are different, but also the same.
Again I want to give an excerpt from the first Spirit lecture on Creation received by us:
I am not a complete stranger to you, I say may the blessings of God rest on you.
Friends, you have given me indeed a task that is not small. The main question with us tonight, is where to begin. Where it shall end, only the Unknown called Eternity will know.
Where it began, we all know. When you open your Bibles, the very first verse in that Bible is:"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."It does not tell you how He did it, it does not really tell you how long He took, it does not tell you in detail how things were done. It gives you by days, which is in fact periods. Those periods are so long, that the minds of man cannot understand it.
We cannot grasp, we cannot understand today what it really means when we speak of a million years. We cannot understand so many light years. So now too we can go back and quote any figure and you can neither prove or disprove it. That is not our intention. Our intention is to tell you in as simple a manner as possible for us, how creation started. And from the beginning of creation how that force slowly evolved, until such time as man came onto earth, and how man evolved into a higher understanding being today than he was a thousand years ago.
Now, again we shall say"In the Beginning"
And in the beginning we will tell you that there was but God. Who He is, What It is, we do not know. We just know that God is Life, God is Light, God is Understanding, God is Intelligence. There was nothing before God. What there is now, flowed out from Him, and shall eventually be drawn back to Him.
Now, that Being, that Light, that Love, that Understanding and Intelligence was there. We must accept it. And round about That there was just Light. It was concentrated Intelligence. It was concentrated Light. It was concentrated Life. Imagine if you wish all these aspects and qualities in one concentrated All. The time when the All was together was a resting period, and is called Brahmday.
As there can be no stagnation, for stagnation is death, it became necessary for the Godhead to create.
Like a vast ocean dammed up and then suddenly the wall breaks, that Spirit of God then released, bounded through the boundless Universe. That concentrated All spread out. That Light went out into the void. Spirit went out into space to where your mind shall cease, there it still went on.Life,I must qualify as you understand it, animate life was still in the Heart and Mind of God.
Then slowly these gases, or Spirit, began to solidify... "

I do hope that you will find something of value in the above.
Feel free to question me if necessary.
God bless.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
No buffalo! I NEED to see how this ends 😕 😐. Its interesting. You have to admit you were watcxhing this...
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
Whitebuffalo this is a thread about life's mysteries, in topics like this there will be a lot of different opinions and beliefs.

I do think I should also mention that even though that void devil is at least 19000 years old I was placed in atlantis by at least 2 people over 20000 years ago. May only be a thousand years but at least it proves I've been around long, and have had longer to research. I've been around much longer than humans, but 20 thousand years is a long time in itself.

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