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Mind Reader Or Crazy?


I've never really been a skeptic when it comes to paranormal abilities, but at the same time, I've never just blindly believed. I'm young (just turned sixteen), but I like to think I have a healthy dose of both open-mindedness and cynicism when it comes to stuff like this.

Things have happened to me my whole life that I've just written off as nothing or mere coincidences, but lately things have progressed to the point of where I'm not really sure if it's just everyday happenings or if it could be something more.

The first memory I have of paranormal things happening to me was when I was about three. I was staying at my father's farm when I was alone in the house. I can't recall where my father was exactly, if he was in the barn or in the back yard but I know for certain I was the only one indoors. I was sitting in the living room watching television when I felt someone squeeze my shoulder. I remember turning really quickly, exclaiming "Papa!" but no one was behind me. My grandfather had a habit of walking through the garage door and squeezing my shoulder a certain way, the exact way I felt it squeezed while sitting in the chair even though I was alone in the house. The craziest thing, I think, is that I wasn't even frightened. I'd always been a jumpy kid but I didn't even think twice of the fact that no one was there.

A few hours later, they found my grandfather out in the corn field. He'd had a stroke while working in the field and had died.

For years after that things were kind of hectic. My parents divorced and my mom moved my brother and me out of state where my brother eventually turned to drugs and ended up in and out of rehab. The majority of my childhood was spent in a state of emotional chaos and I was alone a lot of the time because my mom had to work to support us. It was during the worst of this that I started hearing things. Especially in one room of my house: my bedroom.

I would lie in the bed petrified because I just FELT that someone was watching me. I'd get to the point of hysterics crying and screaming because I couldn't get the feeling of being watched off of me. The worst was when I would lie trying to fall asleep and I could hear someone call my name. My whole body would go cold and I'd get chills that would keep me up all night. I eventually stopped sleeping until the sun came up, literally turning nocturnal until my mother made me sleep human hours.

That all happened periodically between the ages of 3 to around 14. It would get worse at certain times and then be virtually nonexistent others. When I started high school the weirdness really started becoming frequent.

I'd always had the weird ability to have intense déjà vu. I would get this almost nauseous feeling that I'd lived something before, and on a few occasions I could even remember dreaming it. Freshman year though, is when I hit the weirdness peak. I was sitting in my biology class when a scene started playing out before me that I was POSITIVE I'd seen. I jotted down what I thought the conversation would say as fast as I could and didn't show anyone. Then it happened: my friends spoke the dialogue I had written as if they'd read it like a script: only they hadn't. No one knew I wrote it until I was shaking with chill bumps. I was terrified that I'd seen it all happen before. Stuff like that started happening weekly. They weren't always that strong but I would do things like check my phone for a message four seconds before one came, even though I had no reason to expect one. I'd know who was calling before the phone would ring and the strangest thing is that I would get these urges to talk to someone that I hadn't spoken to in months only to find out they had been thinking about me that day.

I'm not sure if this plays into it at all, but my friends and family have always teased me about being a mind reader. I don't literally hear people's thoughts (I hope) but I have this strange way of reading people. Everyone says I'm impossible to lie to and I tend to be a really good judge of someone's character even if I've just met them. I've never been wrong about my assumptions of people. Honestly, never. I apparently also give good advice, even when people I'm speaking with won't tell me what is the matter with them. I somehow just KNOW what they need to hear and I say it.

As far as I know, I'm the only person in my family who has these things happen to them. I don't meditate or practice with crystals and I don't really have that balanced of a diet. I don't really ever do things to bring on these occurrences or encourage them. I've found they usually happen whenever I start to feel a headache come on. It's weird, but true. I don't know if I'm psychic or ESP or whatever the terms are, but it'd be nice to know that I'm not crazy.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, annak062, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-22)
at tj1996
far from anti-christ but that's your opinion I love god an so meny ways just because some one dosnt got same beliefs don't make them a anti christ
tj1996 (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
No offence Newblood but you are starting to sound like the anti-christ lol (Nope, I'm not very religous as a matter of fact. I learned about him from the nostradomous effect lol!)

Well, I know how you feel Anna! About the head aches and stuff, although I was ALWAYS a skeptic before I got sick. My story will probably be out in a few days.
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
[at] annak062

Mhm, yours resemble mine, very much so. But like said before... I'm not quite as far along as you are! 😊 You ca always talk to me if you need someone to talk to by the way, my email's on my page. ❤
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
annak just be careful.
In this pathetic world you will always find people who claim to be prophets when they are not.
Just look at the Jim Jones incident in Guyana.
You have to make sure and test people...ALWAYS.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
annak062, yes, it is possible for someone to possess more than one gift. I know people who have several psychic abilities. I hope this answers your question
annak062 (2 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
Wow, there are so many comments...
Newblood: I'm not sure how your comments relate to my story, but thanks for sharing I guess. I'm a Christian too, just one with a healthy appetite for questions and I don't just blindly believe everything I'm told. I don't know how your gift feels to you, maybe you do feel like a prophet, but I personally know I'm nothing of the sort, and that's okay. I know I can be a Christian, have this "gift" that I have, and still not be a prophet. Do you not believe the same thing?

HaruNoTsuki: No one ever answered this the first time I asked, so I guess I'll ask again. Is it possible for me to have 2 gifts like that? To be able to do two separate things?

Rashidah: I understand what you're saying. I've had at least three people who are trying to help, but all claim to be the next savior. I dunno, maybe one of them is, but all I know is that I'm not. I'm not trying to make myself sound like more than I am or make myself sound more powerful or whatever. I don't control what I can do and I'm not sure I want to. I'm kind of just blind, feeling my way around. If that makes me one of those teenagers who is delusional and ruining the site, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off that way.

Birdzgoboom: Thanks so much for keeping my story in mind! Haha I read all these comments and got a little deflated when I realized how few of them were aimed at helping me. Do your gifts resemble mine at all? It'd be nice to have someone who can relate, even if you think I'm farther along.

IntotheBlack: your joke made me laugh (:
IntoTheBlack (66 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
[at] Newblood, 
I've seen you say something about creating gifts a couple posts down...

So, how about one where you can make a cat hack up hairballs on cue? And then you can give that one to me, cause I've got a cat. She is a very sweet, soulful being by the way...

That way I can make a few neighbors vomit as well, not just cats... And maybe not just people either

At those party supply stores they talk about gag gifts, and well, this would literally be one, and be a nice gift to have

But hey,don't take it all wrong... A knife cuts you if you hold it the wrong way, and so does humor 🤔 heh he 😆
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
I can't believe a mother will do such a thing. We as mothers are suppose to be naturally nurturing. So for a woman to do that baffles me 😕

I did not ask that question to bring you down. I just wanted a simple answer that is all.
This is not a battle, so just chill.
And please chill on your preaching too because I rejected christ a long time ago.

I am sorry but I do not think in the realm of faith.

Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
to Rashidah

are you directing that to me and now I don't consider myself that way I just consider my self as a vessel for one for there is more like it and a lot of them are one here but no one will beleave. And I can obviously see you guy have your own beliefs for every one will always have there own there is nothing wrong with that and some make comment but myself sounding ignoret but I know what I am goin through and right now that is what matters to me for it has all been up to faith for years like having faith in god even though you can't see him you may all say what yyou please about me but I do not have to retaleate. Trust, Freedom, Peace and Faith
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
[at] rashidah

I found an articl on the eight babies found in a french home. Here's a link:

Goodness what a horrible thing that is.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
Do you believe that you are an angel sent by Christ?
This is a serious question by the way.
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
Marcus is arch of love and Michael is the arch of protection.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
On a more serious and important note.
Have anyone heard the news about the eight bodies of babies that were found in a french home?

I am getting problems accessing that news here in Trinidad.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
Who are Michael and Marcus?
And why do you think that we on this site needs saving?
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
Oh and I found out recently mind riding is reall but it is a sinfull one for I have done it but the sculd me for it and told me to punish myself and ask god for forgivness
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
to Rashidah

Well alls I got to say is I'm 19 aand I'm not exadrating. I wasn't even into this stuff before. I was into stuff that wasn't good for people and went through addiction through my life and with in the last 2 year I have been trying to better my self for my son. An and found out recently from my girlfriends mom that my girlfriend use to talk to marcus, and micheal when she was younger and her mom dosnt know I got gift and my girlfriend didn't remember talking to micheal but she did marcus.
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-28)
I agree with you Rashidah... I've only been here for a short while, and I've noticed a lot of new people and young people coming onto this site saying things that are just WAY out there. I don't believe that there are any "prophets" or "saviours" of any kind on this site, just people, NORMAL PEOPLE, with a special gift that they feel like they should share. No one here is more important than the other, and all of us should know this 😐

And I agree when you said things are sounding a lot like anime... I mean, I LOVE anime and such just as much as the next otaku teenager, but I keep that out of my experiencess and I do NOT let them influence what I say or what abilities I claim to have. I'll say it, I'm NOT that good at my abilities, but I'm trying to become better.

As for the author:

I believe you're more of a clairvoyant than a mind reader. You can see things before they happen, not read a person's mind (unless you've done that before too >.>). You have a gift... And your gift is greater than mine is at this point. I hope it all goes well for you, and don't be afraid or weirded out... It's a special thing, and you're very lucky to have it as well as you have it. 😊
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-28)
Newblood what are you now the new saviour or something 😕

Seriously guys my infatuation for this site is waning.
It seems these days that everyone has some sort of exaggerated powers each day. I bet anything god himself will be amazed if he ever read some of these claims.
Some even claim to have many new powers and they add more and more each day. It is a wonder we did not reach the news as yet with so many kids claiming to have this and that ONLY on this site, which sounds more and more like anime.

From reading most of the posts, I have realized only few people actually have powers. And one thing I have noticed too, they tend to be less advertising like some of us are.

I really do not care if I piss off anyone with this statement. But 'Inthedark' is correct with this one.

But as one of the posters said and I corrected him, I do not feed into no ones ego.

This is my assessment. I think in my short time here I have read enough to reach this conclusion.

And what a read this was 😢
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-28)
to Oracle101

I have been told I was a prophet to that why are gifts seem stronger then other I feel like your my teacher I offer you this one gift that I have found out in the last week which is kind of new but sence you maybe wise I deffinitly want to share it with you as long as you are trust werthy if not god will know but I offer you and just you the gift to create gifts but remember to be very carefull supific when you talk to god about them for he will create them for you. I for I amost erased my own memory and that is noot fun... Which that is why one of my gifts has already been removed from earth already and will never be used inless god needs it to and that was mind wipe... For it is now forbiden. God will know 😁.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-28)
weirdo101, please don't be sad. From what you say, you are a clairvoyant or precognitioner. You are psychic. I'm sure. If you want, you can email me. My email is on my profile.

And to annak062, judging by what you go through, you are a psychic. It kind of sounds like you are partially clairvoyant and/or precognitive. Clairvoyant is knowing what happened or is happening and precognition is knowing the future
Newblood (1 stories) (202 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-28)
When I first found this site I felt very little hope for humanidy on here but every day it seems to grow bigger and bigger for one day we will get peace and the violence will stop for there will be no need for it. I don't know how meny of you have actuly been able to here jesus christ speek for god to them but I have a lot and there has been more and more thingsw changing and I will share some of the knowledge I know for there for we all represtsent god in one way or another but some of have a direct feed to him woth out even praying which seems unfair but usally its the one like myself who have always had a big imagination and big heart and strong minds and choose to make the right desions not saying we don't make the wrong just saying we can lern from are mistake and turn it around to teach others. I doubt I will ever meet most of you will or maybe I will you never know for fate always changes
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-28)
It is important to remember to maintain confidence, and not to allow yourself to become overwhelmed. It is up to you to stay in control and to have self-empowerment. No one can do that for you, and any dark energies can only have power over you and scare you if you allow it.

This is in reply to the question you posted on my own story.

Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 43 years
Always happy to help others.
For more advice on this subject and others click on my profile name to read my stories and other posts.
If you want advice from me please post your own story then post a short request on mine asking for advice. I will then post my reply on your own story page.
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-27)
To annak062

I have no problem answering any questions you have, and I'll do my best to answer them to a point you will understand, but keep in mind that I can't answer all you questions, because just like you I'm still learning everything I can lol

Here is my email so you can get a hold of me. Robbyrobledo [at]
annak062 (2 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-26)
Weirdo101: Believe me, I know the feeling. I can't even tell you how many times I've gotten freaked out because of what I can do.

IUnderstand: I may take you up on your meditation suggestions. I've never done it before, so I'm not really sure how it all works. Thanks for the suggestions though!

Precog: Is it possible for me to have more than one ability?

The_Guardian_Angel: I think I'm going to send you a message if I can because I have a lot of questions that you seem to be apt for answering. I hope you don't mind, but I still have so much I don't know.
bloodredrose (11 stories) (162 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
To Whoever is weirdo101,

Please don't cry, you may think that anyone is not listening you right now. I really want to help you, and I will do whatever I can to make sure you don't cry about your special gift. So Please email me at ravengirl_90 [at]

I do want to help you,
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
Don't feel scared and crazy, because your not. You do have psychic abilities and it's ok to be scared. I was for a long time because I thought I was crazy and imagining things, but I wasn't. Mine started when I was four and I saw a spirit that came into my room asking for my name and wanted to know I was here. Then I saw his spirit leave to the sky and into heaven. Also I have the similar things, I have visions, I can hear, see, and feel spirits presents sometimes angels and even demons, I can astral project, sometimes read people minds and also I get weird messages as well, but there always in code so I always have to figure them out and they are usually dates and times and I have to figure out what are going to happen on those days. You are gifted, though my suggestion is at least meditate or do something, because if you don't do anything to control your abilities and only use it when it happens... You can get hurt or run into someone (spirit or demon) that might want to hurt you. I'm not saying this to scare you, I'm just trying to let you know it's Ok to learn to control your gifts from God and if you ask Archangel Michael for help, he will guide you on the right path, help you, and protect you. Let me know if you have any questions =]
precog (2 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
for being a mind reader, that is a type of ESP, called telepathy I think. As for the deja vu, that means you could have lived a past life. And for the nocturnal nights, maybe spirits.
Iunderstand (3 stories) (153 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-24)
Here is how to meditate but first an explanation of what meditating is. Each of our brains emit a brainwave frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher your physical awareness is, the lower the frequency, the less you will be physically aware. Meditation is the canceling of conscious thought from your mind. So many energies bombard us constantly throughout the day to an extent that its hard sometimes to truly know yourself. Most people aren't really themselves, they are the combination of everyone else around them. Most people only ever repeat the actions and words of others. Meditation helps to turn all that noise down and brings you to a calm state so can begin to build a sence of who you are. Meditating to a question, Bible verse, uplifting or calming song, or meditating while working out are all common ways I use focus meditation. I have different forms of meditation for different things. Sometimes I meditate to nothing like the Zen Buddhists, other times I use water meditation to help me through hard emotions. There is no one meditation, there are many. For specific forms I use feel free to ask me through email. Rountree11b (at)
weirdo101 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
im honestly scared too I don't know if I am psychic or not but I'm just scared when I'm talking to my friends on the computer I tell them things and stuff and I'm always right about them and one time in the dark I kept feeling like something was touching me, I'm just scared can someone please tell me if I'm psychic or not please 😭
annak062 (2 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
MidnightBlueSwan: I didn't actually choose that title, it was just kind of given to the story. But I'm glad to hear that you think it may actually be something, and not just my mind playing tricks on me.

LillyKen21: How exactly do you meditate and how often? How do you deal with the headaches? Does it ever interfere with your day to day life? Have you gotten to where you control it? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but this is all so new to me. I grew up being told I just had too active of an imagination, but I don't think that's it anymore. It's hard to be thankful for it sometimes you know, because it really scares me when stuff like that happens.

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