I'm 13 and I'm a empath, but the thing is that I don't really feel the emotions of people I feel the emotions of animals. I know what they want like for example I know if they want to be pet or if they want a treat but I can't hear them in my head or anything all I do is just look at them and I know what they want. And I also talk to them like they were people and I feel more like I'm at home when I'm near them or when I'm in the woods, also I can get animals to chill down just by touching them or looking at them and say stop (but not in a mean way) just a normal voice and they will do it.
I can also get wild animals to chill out and wild animals love me they just come to me and won't leave me alone.
And when I was little I would always bring home baby birds that fell out of the nest and I would take care of them.
I have never been attacked by a animal in my life... So am I alone on this or are there other people like me?