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Real Psychic Experiences

Weird Alien Dream


So I had a dream in which I was captured by feline-like aliens a few days ago.

What did they look like? Think of the Na'vi from James Cameron's "Avatar", but not blue. These aliens had green spikes and red hides with creamy tummies; they were giants, about seven feet in height.

(Note: I haven't watched Avatar in a year, or have seen any references to it recently.)

I was stripped down naked and with about ten other girls was brought to a gray stone throne in a decrepit, stone palace. On this throne was a gigantic leopard, yet it stood on its feet like a human.

Next to the throne was another alien, but it had on a brown habit, like a monk would wear. For some reason it kept watching me, and I got the weirdest feeling that it was very, very interested in me. In fact, while the leopard was taking in the moment, the alien slipped off his habit (and underneath he was naked, just like most of the aliens and the leopard (And they were all men as well! Uh oh...)

The leopard surveyed us for a few moments, then told the Avataresque aliens they could do whatever they wanted to us gals.

Before I could do anything at all, I was slammed to the ground by the alien I saw who had taken his habit off. He shoved me down to the stone and started caressing my neck. I felt something between my legs and to make an interesting story much less graphic, I literally woke up around three in the morning, got a drink of water, and went back to bed. But that's not all that happened!

I awoke back in the palace with no one around but me and the other aliens. I looked down at my tummy, and to my surprise, I was bulging. Apparently when I woke up in the real world, I skipped forwards in the dream world, and now I was pregnant!

So the dream ended very soon after that, and I woke up that morning with a crazy pain in my stomach for the next couple of hours.

The next night I dreamed I was talking to my molester, the alien who was wearing the brown habit. I was told I was going to have his kids even if I didn't like it. And I was even more pregnant.

What does this mean?

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CheshireCat (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Could be symbolism for being impregnated with their energy or understanding or something else. When you break down the physical universe into what it actually is, the physical universe is really just a conglomeration of self sustaining energy forms that take on form and function. As in your genetics code you to take the physical form you are and perceive the way you do. If you were coded as a bat, then life would be dramatically different and you'd be visually blind but see through the lens of sonar to navigate the world.

As someone mentioned above, the universe is dramatically large with the high probability of other life forms existing. Fortunetly there are others such as guides, angels, protectors that watch out for humans so as not to bother our development unless of course we actively seek out such interests. I guess I'm just saying, if it bothers you and you'd like it to stop, request so, at the very least you can live a normal life without intrusions and let competent helpers make sure of it as they have the tools and understanding to make it happen. They can even fix your infertility issues, it's not as hard as you might think... Just ask for what's best for you.

I've personally encountered 'aliens and astrally been taken out of the body from the waking state... Not fun and not something I care to recall or be bothered with anymore... I just realize I was stupid in trusting something I couldn't see and luckily over time and help it has stopped and I can only hope others don't get entangled with the same kind of mess I went through.

Before I got totally entangeled and astral projected, I remember having strange visions of some sort of tall bluish aliens and walking in there cave like envirnment that had irridescent blue comming off the walls. I remember walking past grey skinned female guards that reminded me of large humans, tough grey skin and some sort of rhinosaurous like face... I walked past their hallways and came to a large room with several very tall... Say 8 feet, skinny blue like creatures who's skin glowed irridecent like the walls. They had human form with large slits for eyes and offered me some sort of bluish irridescent food and asked me if I wanted to eat it... I remember the feeling was serious, like it wasn't a joke but I was like, why not? Sure thing boss, it's only a day dream as I was sort of in a waking/dreaming mind set while laying down on the couch. I could open my eyes and be aware of my surroundings while at the same time, quickly shut my eyes and continue the vision... No big deal I thought. I feel the moldavite I had in my pocket might have had a role in this. At any rate I ate the stuff and my life and psychic experiences became 10 fold and blew up in my face... I can't say weather they were real or not, just that it happened. I also can't understand who or what was at fault for causing me harm and being messed with as I've experienced a lot of 'otherworldly' type encounters and some I associate with very clear and concise logical ideas and emotions... Others very dominate and decidedly dastardly so to speak... As in there agenda is certainly not help and humans are simply a low form of intelligence much how we think animals are beneath us. As to why they would interact... A million different reasons... Perhaps as an energy source, perhaps as genetic sampling although that seems low in the books for me... Anything that has surpassed the limitations of the physical and can travel among the stars would be like magicians to us no different than traveling back in time with an ipod and showing someone in the 16th century... It would appear as a magical device. On top of that, anyone or thing that understands how the energy body works and can astral travel and manipulate the physical constructs of time and space are so far advanced that to even think they need us because there a 'dieing race' is plain silly. I'm not saying there all bad and their not all good... There more like pandoras box... Best to keep the lid on and trust that your kept safe as there are rules as I understand and larger forms of conciseness keep the universe in check.
CheshireCat (35 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Could be symbolism for being impregnated with their energy or understanding or something else. When you break down the physical universe into what it actually is, the physical universe is really just a conglomeration of self sustaining energy forms that take on form and function. As in your genetics code you to take the physical form you are and perceive the way you do. If you were coded as a bat, then life would be dramatically different and you'd be visually blind but see through the lens of sonar to navigate the world.

As someone mentioned above, the universe is dramatically large with the high probability of other life forms existing. Fortunetly there are others such as guides, angels, protectors that watch out for humans so as not to bother our development unless of course we actively seek out such interests. I guess I'm just saying, if it bothers you and you'd like it to stop, request so, at the very least you can live a normal life without intrusions and let competent helpers make sure of it as they have the tools and understanding to make it happen. They can even fix your infertility issues, it's not as hard as you might think... Just ask for what's best for you.

I've personally encountered 'aliens and astrally been taken out of the body from the waking state... Not fun and not something I care to recall or be bothered with anymore... I just realize I was stupid in trusting something I couldn't see and luckily over time and help it has stopped and I can only hope others don't get entangled with the same kind of mess I went through.
hellwyr (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-23)
no matter which world you visit the feelings count, if it feels like a dream it is a dream, everthing has a feeling, you need to learn that (even in dreams, there are feelings for everthing... For example I dreamed of an alien who wanted that I come with him, but it felt like I was pulled in and then I asked him why he doesn't come with me!...and tried to pull him;).) so you can easily differientate what's real, what's not (as a rule if you feel like you don't know what kind of dream it is don't do anything in the dream what you wouldn't do normally...) that's how humans work...

The dream probbly has psychological meaning, its true that dreams can be a gate to other world too, but its not as easy as most people think to start opening the gates...

Von wo aus Österreich bist du?
Hyphen (2 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-08)

thank you for your kindness! I will use this method.
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-08)
There are things out there that we aren't 100% sure exist, or don't exist. There are millions of planets and universes that we have yet to explore, and who knows what we will find.
The fact that you keep revisting this dream is odd. Usually the subconsious mind gives you a knew dream every night, because new information keeps coming.

Dont worry to much about it unless things get worse. Imagine white light surronding you before you go to sleep and thinking "Nothing can touch. Nothing can get to me" Note that this IS a wiccan method, and if it goes aganist your religion, you do not have to use it. It is simply something I would use, have used, and have found effective.

-The path of Light is made with Dark-

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-07)
You're not the only one. My mom and I had had dreams of this nature. I don't really let them bother me, although once I had a major pain in my spine like something had been planted there while my mother had it behind her shoulder. To tell you the truth, to this day I don't really know if what I dreamt was real or not. The mystery does drive me crazy but I try to not think about it, by sorrounding myself by light. I've never dreamt of pregnancy though... Just of strange conversations and 'interviews' of sorts, but that's about it. For all I know some of my dreams could have been repressed to show just that.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-07-07)
The answer to what that dream means will vary depending on who you ask.

There is plenty of people who firmly claim that they have been astrally abducted, raped, and impregnated (and yes, by aliens). Believe them or not; that's just what they say. If you continue to believe what they say, they also claim that these hybrid babies are being used to re-populate a dying alien species.

No one can say for certain if this dream is just that, or something else. I remember having similar dreams and then one time in the physical, my ex husband (we were married at the time) who was totally un-spiritual or open to anything, heard a young girl in our house who claimed to be my daughter. I would hear "mommy!" and he would hear her whisper on occasion. Even now I have no children yet time and time again I dream that I WAS impregnated and they were taken. I find my infertility interesting considering my two sisters have kids the moment they go off birth control.

Again, answers will vary by person based on their experiences and their own dreams. There is no proof that this did not happen. And for now, there is no proof that it did. It's highly personal and I think it's your opinion that matters the most.


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