All my life I've seen things. I had always thought it was my imagination, that I'd either dreamt of the next day, or seen it a month in advance. I've always felt a sense of deja vu. But once I turned nine I started noticing that these, moments started coming at very distinct times. At one point I started even seeing it from other peoples eyes and after a while, audio was added and these moments turned into days of never ending realization that I've seen this before. Then I started feeling deja vu of emotions for these 'scenes' as I called them. Every time I told my mom, she always said "woman's intuition"... Sorry but that I couldn't believe.
There was a point in time where these moments would knock me back into my seat, like I just got punched in the stomach. After that is was just like I was watching a re-run of my (or in some cases someone else's) life. I still feel like these visions come more and more often if something is about to happen or if I'm feeling stressed. It's often just trivial things I see. Completely useless to me and others but, sometimes I see happy moments or great losses and disasters.
I know now that I'm psychic because now my other abilities have started to blossom (even the unwanted ones).
Post your feed back because I want to know what other people think. I don't need help, but it's nice to hear other reactions.I'll probably be posting other stories about my... Odd abilities but for right now this is it.
It was Kidney's and this is where our inherited Life energy is according to Chinese medicine.
In channeling energy to intervene in another persons life. I saw the event of a woman assaulted and beaten to the point she lost consciousness and suffered amnesia. The dream repeated but I set my intent on helping and seeing a different result with help.
After awakening I felt my body at a different vibration. Felt tired and drained, so I drank a glass of water and felt a whole lot better.
In training at a school for healing all students were always encouraged to drink water.
There is a book by a man named Tony Neate whom teaches channeling he also indicates drinking water in Channeling for messages.
In mediumship training it was also advised for students to bring a bottle of water.