Those who have read my past story, know that I don't lead a normal life, in fact I am known as a clairvoyant. My main passion is animals, I love to sit in the garden for hours, just listening to the song of the birds. But my main passion is wolves. Though I live in New Zealand, so I only get to see dogs. My friends whine and joke when ever I stare into the eyes of there dogs.
Not so long ago, I was staring into the eyes of my dog Kiri, when I heard a voice; "Are you sad?". I couldn't believe it, I thought I had gone mad! But I sat there and replied. We started up a conversation, that lasted for 2 hours. I felt weirdly free. My mind linked with hers in a strange way. I stopped talking out loud and thought instead of talking. It was much better, because I didn't feel like I was talking to myself. My mum called me in for diner when Kiri had started talking about her life as a dog and how much she loved us. I was scared to leave, just in case it was my imagination. But I found that we could keep talking through diner. My mum keep getting annoyed when I wouldn't reply and I sometimes replied in me head instead.
When I fell asleep that night the connection broke and I found myself in silence again. I tried in the morning but got nothing. I was really sad, I came to the conclusion that it was my imagination. But at ruffly the same time as the day before, I picked her up again. It was strange, I no longer have to talk to her out loud, its kind of like from that exact time every day I share her mind. Its happened with many other creatures, but none as strong as hers.
Am I going completely mad? Please help I'm freaked out!
Animal Talker