First, I'm going to list some experiences that I've had in the past. Now they're not major life changing predictions, but they're strange...
I was sitting in my first hour class at school, and out of nowhere, I got the taste of the sausage breakfast pizza that we have at school sometimes. The classroom I was in is nowhere near the cafeteria, so there's no way I could have smelled it, but that's what we were having that day.
And I've also woken up, and had my mind intruded by really random thoughts. For example, my friend rarely drives to school, like hardly ever. And I woke up and thought, out of nowhere, "Jackee is going to drive to school today." And she did... It was so weird...
I've also had random thoughts about what people are going to wear on certain days, and other mundane things. Like I said, nothing shocking, but still weird.
Things like this have happened from time to time, but it's not like every day. Also, I think I may have some empath abilities, because I can kind of feel the energy in rooms. I don't know how to describe it really. Like I can feel a collective energy of the building? I'm not really sure how to say it.
Anyway, do you think I'm psychic? And if so, what can I do to strengthen my abilities?
We all have the ability to do great thing with our minds, most of us just don't try.
I've had similar experiences (Today's going to be a bad day, this show will come on later, etc...)
Anyways, I'd suggest mediatating to help strengthen Spirit and Soul. Also, I'd read a bit on Chakra's and Astral Projecting, as it can help strength the Spirit part of the mind.
As for the energy thing, I'd could be a perfectly naturla, scientific thing, such as the EMFs (electro magnetic field) which can cause an array of symptoms including feelings of energies.
Then again, you could have some empathy in you. Try and see of you can "feel" other people's emotions, but not when they're obviously mad or upset.
No offense, but if you are a physic or an empath you sound like a weak one. But, of course, you can try and strengthen these abilities!
Hope this helps!
-Lolli ❤