Hey for the past couple months I have been developing my powers as an empath and delving into a couple other things, but recently I started doing more than just feeling emotions.
It started about two days ago. I used to get really tired and get headaches all the time. I never knew why and foolishly blamed it on sinuses, but now I know its my empathy sucking up other people's problems. Now I know how to guard myself and I only get tired after a lot of hard work, when I'm sick, or when I let my guard down to do a healing. Yesterday I was talking with a friend in class, when all of a sudden I literally READ her mind. At first I was like what ever its nothing. Then it happened again, and again, and again. It was like our wave lengths were on the same frequency. I never knew this was possible... Is it more precognition because I knew what she was going to say or is it a step toward telepathy. I'm not sure what to think or if I'm just jumping to conclusions, but I WOULD LOVE to develop this power. And even though I know sometimes once you get a power you can't always block it, this is too valuable to pass by and just never touch on again.
And a couple of my others at school I know are showing signs of sensitives... I know for a fact one of them is, but I don't think she knows. I have known her for a long ten years and she is a close friend, do you think it would be a OK to break her the news that a lot of her physical pain is caused by her ability to read others?