I'm a 16 year old medium. I hear and see spirits all the time. I also see auras. (the light around people) I try my best to be a normal teen but sometimes it gets confusing and upsetting when I can't tell the difference between what's there and what's only there to me... Some of the spirits that come to me have the most heart wrenching stories and it kills me to hear about them or when they tell me to tell someone something but I'm only 16. I had a man come to me in November, He asked me to tell his daughter that he loved her and that he gives her his permission. So I asked ok well where is she? He said WASHINGTON D.C! I'm all the way down here in g.a. So I politely said Sir I'm sorry but that's to far away. And he said you will know her when you see her. Then he just disappeared. Now how the heck am I suppose to find this woman and say Ma'am yes uh your father came to me and told me he loves you and gives you his permission, say 5 years later... What if she needed his permission now not then... What do you do in that type of situation?
Another thing is that I'm alone here... Nobody has the ability as I do, so no one understands what I'm going through and its hard not having someone to talk to about this. I wish someone would say o I'm like you... Instead of... Oh you uh... See dead people... Or OMGURSH THAT'S SOO KOOL. I'M LIKE THAT TOO... When really they aren't...I'm 16 and nobody gets me. People try but they will never fully understand how hard this is.
First of all, you can refuse visitations or make your own conditions as to who shows up when and where. This is your life and you get to choose. They are just coming to you because you are a light in darkness to them and they need some help.
My wife used to see people all the time, and it was disturbing her sleep. But someone said, hey, just say no, and they haven't come back.
The other thing is that these souls need to move on. You may be able to help them get to where they really belong. Mostly souls are afraid of going on, or are really stuck thinking about some unfinished business.
Assure them that they are loved and forgiven and that everything is all right. Then point them to the light and ask God for assistance to help them cross over. I have never done it, but have seen it done many times.
Much love and blessings