Usually when I get visions it comes to me in a dream like state, or when I'm in deep meditation and then I see it or ever hear it. But I have never before had this sort of vision...
I was walking down the street as usual, and all of a sudden I got the weird sensation through me, but I kept walking. Then the vision started. Next thing I know I'm seeing almost pictures flashing in front of me, dozens of them, in a slide show kind of way.
The scene is a car accident involving me and a van, and in the background I can hear a child laugh. The accident takes place on the road I'm about to cross, so I should have known, but I wasn't sure if this was my imagination just thinking of what it could be like to get knocked down here.
I shake off the vision, but only manage to take a singe step forward before it happens, and before I realize that this isn't my imagination... It was the laugh that really saved me.
Across the street a toddler is giggling at something her mother has said... Seconds later a van flies around the corner. The driver slams on the brakes and the van stops in front of me.
I have never have a visions like this before. Nearly all of my visions are just like dreams only more distant. But this was as I was walking... During the day... Wide awake.
I don't know if I have some sort of guardian angel minding me and sending me these visions or what, but either way it's really strange.
What do you guys think?