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Demons And Angels Are Out There


There is a lot of things that I could say to people out there about my life but the one thing that I do know is that demons, angels, and other things are out there. How do I know? Well that question is simple I see them they are every where. Only I don't know what it is. They see me to and some of them really don't like that I can see them, I can sense is they are good or evil and if they really want to kill me, scare me or help me. I don't know why I have this gift but I do know that I am stuck with it and it scares me and I'm not afraid to say that. Why should I be?

If anyone has seen what I have you would understand, while some kids are afraid of the boogie man I have seen a lot of them and demons are a lot scarier than my imagination. Some people would say that I am crazy and that I need to be locked up and sometimes I believe them. I see angels, or demons and whatnot but then I close my eyes to blink and then they are gone, unless it's dark. When it's dark demons aren't going to go away no matter how much that I wish they would... Am I crazy? Am I a physio? I don't know but is there anyone else out there that can relate to this? If so please please please say something to me! I beg you I would like to know if I really am crazy.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, 0heather0, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

hug100 (126 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
Hey Birdz's finely got my spirit guide to explain to me last night about the spiritual revolution. He said that the spiritual revolution will be a fight between the spirits and at the same time it will happen among the living. Each will be fighting and he is not sure how many exactly how many will be involved but it is going to be big. He said it would start in 2012 and end somewhere in 2013. I sill remain skeptical about 2012 though.
hug100 (126 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
Ya but every time he just stops talking. I wounder if I try get more in to it with out being direct about it maybe I can get some where with this. Every time he talk about it he sounds concerned about it. Well all I can do is try.
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
[at] Hug100

Hmm, I have no real input on the 2012 thing. 😐 I suppose what happens will happen, but I'm not exactly sure what, if anything happens at all. Have you asked your guide what the "Spiritual Reveloution" is?
hug100 (126 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Ya I guess I have come along way but something my guide has be telling me lately has been really buging me. He keeps telling me that in 2012 the spiritual revolution will begin. I'm not sure what it means but something tells me it is not a good thing. 😕
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
[at] Hug100

That's good to hear! I believe earlier I had stated that you may have been the one unconsciously opening up the portals, and I guess I was correct! I'm very glad though that you're able to control your power to this extent now, though; and you seem much wiser now than when you first began talking with me (when you joined this site).

I'm so glad to hear that you are growing in your psychic abilities. It is really uplifting to hear that. 😁
hug100 (126 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
Actually I haven't had a problem in weeks. All I had to do was put up barriers in my mind and the trouble with that stop and I had one open since. Only one time I let the barriers and one did open but I closed it. I can control the portals and barriers by my mind and energy. I tell the portals to close and they do it. I've gotten the hang of it now I'm not bothered any more. 😊
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
If you still read these messages, I can help you with this. I am serious. It won't be to hard. I know many that experience these same things. You are special and gifted with a big purpose. You see the true spiritual warfare going on. Send me a message please through my email.
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
[at] hug100

I hope so as well, and I'm glad you finally were able to catch this spirit voice. When or if you find out what it says, please, please tell me.

And have you been having any trouble with the vortex lately? 😐
hug100 (126 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
well I got the audio and I hear a voice but I
Can't make out the voice on it. As for my friend she has not said any thing more on it so I'm guessing it worked. I'm hoping this audio program works to unravel the voice.
zen (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-22)
Saying a name like Jesus or some other Hevanly being never works, only positive energy works. Of course most of the time people produce positive energy when doing that so it seems like it works. So its about 50/50, name doesn't work but the energy associated with it does.
debbie73160 (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-22)
Get your Bible out! Start quoting everything that Jesus said. Speak to those demons and say "Demons, I cast you out of this house in Jesus name!" And KEEP saying these things until they leave. Get your other family members involved or someone else involved to fight with you. There is power in numbers. If they don't leave in a few days send me a personal email, and I'll tell you more you can do to get rid of those bastards!
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-22)
[at] hug100

I'm so sorry for not contacting you sooner; I've been having internet troubles. 😢 I hope you find this comment.

If this girl is having a bad problem with a spirit (and nothing previously suggested works) I would suggest a priest to bless the home. Perhaps another psychic as well, to see what this spirit really is (Malevolent, a "wannabe" demon (AKA a prankster spirit) or otherwise). But I would suggest a priest if this spirit is becoming a real problem.

And yes, you could use an MP3 with a good microphone. Oddly enough, you could use a cellphone as well. (I have a story I will be uploading sometime about this. I had captured a voice on my phone.) But you need to make sure that the noises it captures (if any) are what you think they are. But remember: Things like MP3 players and cellphones aren't made to catch Spirit voices, so it may not catch anything.

~Birdzgoboom ❤
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-03)
OH and another thing just came to mind if I wanted to try and capture a voice of a spirit would I be able to use an Mp3 with a good microphone on it?
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-03)
hey Birdz got a question one of the girls at my school is having issues with a spirit being in her house and I gave her some advice on how to get rid of it. But if this should fail should I try to arrange to go to her house to help or just tell her to have a cleansing done by a priest on her house. They have tried yelling at it but that didn't work her mom knows it there but can't do much to it. What would you sagest on the situation. 😕
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-09-03)
[at] hug100

😳 Aww, well thank you. I really hope you can look into that book, it's definitely worth the read! It changed how I controlled my powers greatly. (For the better of course.)
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-30)
Thanks again birdz you no doubt give the best advice. I'll look in to that book and see if I can get it at the library. 😁
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-28)
[at] Hug100

Yes, that is what I have concluded as well. I believe you need to learn how to control your energies. There's a very good book (that I recommend) Called "The Gift" by the author by the name of Echo Bodine.

In the meantime, I will look more into these portals. I hope I can come up with some information that may help you... But I really suggest that book. It teaches a lot of energy control. You can read some of it on Google. I hope you look into that.

~Birdzgoboom ❤
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-22)
The only place these portals open is my bed room were most of my energy is released and the door is closed at night and that's when these portals are opened generally. I think these portals are opened when my energy builds up so much without a way to escape as said they only open at night when I'm in the room.
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-22)
[at] Hug100

Okay, now we're getting somewhere. I'm starting to form a conclusion/assumption in my head. Did you try sleeping in a different room to see if it "followed" you?
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-20)
Thanks birdzs and strangely some how I seem to open and close them. I don't really under stand how this works but some how I closed up two now.
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-18)
[at] Hug100

Sorry about not replying sooner! Have been VERY busy lately... 😭 Well, about that demon problem.

Like I've said many times before. If they are trying to convert you or weaken your faith in God, ignore them, or tell them just to lat out leave in the name of God (and that they are not welcome in your home). I cannot stress this enough. It doesn't matter how strong the demons may be, if you have a strong faith in your god, they CANNOT mess with you. I've done this many times, and, even if this is a strong demon, they have (eventually) disappeared. Imagine a holy, light barrier around you that can't be penetrated. That should help you cope with the frustrating and malevolent spirits that are bothering you until the portal is dealt with.

As for the portal, I STRONGLY suggest an exorcist. I'll do more research on these portals and how they can be closed or destroyed, but in the meantime, PLEASE, if you can sleep in another room. It may help with the demons, and it may also help me come to a conclusion. If the portal seems to follow you, it may be your own powers unconsciously creating a portal that is allowing these demons to come through, and that I could help with much faster (and there are more ways to solve this problem) than if it is an actual PORTAL that the demons have created.

Please be safe. I will be looking forward to a response from you. ❤

~May the wings of the angels protect you from the Darkness.~ Birdzgoboom
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-15)
Hello Birdzgoboom you there? You have not replied to my post in the last few days. 😕
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-13)
There is a portal because I have not left the house in a a few days. They leave by morning and come again at night. I also feel the portal near the foot of my bed at night.
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-13)
[at] Hug100

Hello again, it's been a while ^^ I noticed you said you were having problems with demons again? I could possibly help you, if you're willing to listen again.

Well, I first have a question. Are you POSITIVE that there is a portal in your room letting the demons come inside, or do they just happen to appear like they are. I have to make SURE that it's a portal, and not just demons or malevolent spirits clinging to you and following you home. Once I find that out I'll be glad to help, I just need to know what exactly is going on.
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-13)
well see that's just it I've been telling them since they first started to reveal them selves to me. It is getting worse now they're starting to lash out at me but they're not doing any thing to my sister and her puppy. It seems I'm a threat with my religion to them. If I try telling my parents they just say I'm crazy and I'm not.
tigg3rxox (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-12)
Wow.My advice would be is to tell them to leave you alone. I mean, they want to convert you, so you must be pretty powerful. So I think you have the power to get rid of them (:...idk >_<
hug100 (126 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-12)
Can someone help me? I'm trying to close up a portal that is letting night dwelling demons in to my room. All but one night they been bothering me and trying to convert me from being a Cristin and every night it's a different and stronger demon. School starts on next week and I don't know how much more of this I can take. If someone can help would like to hear form you.😐
skywire4929 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-26)
You really have a way with words, don't you?
Demons are worthless things, I advise you to read your comments after you publish it.
Forget what Eric says, trust me do not let it get to your mind. Haha I can remember a demon trying to take over my mind in the end I got rid of it, useless things. Try singing songs like the ones in hillsong or fight it with your mind, like I do. You can do this you know, just believe you can and you will be victorious. If that pest comes again, email me and I'll help you get rid of it for good.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
Eric I have to agree with Birdz on this one.

That statement of yours is simply wicked.
birdzgoboom (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
[at] Hug100

Your welcome ❤ and if you're having problems with any other spirits, you can get some blessed holy water or something of the sort (or just do as I said before ^^) and pray. You're a Christian (as am I) so praying to God and telling the demon to leave is the best thing to do. Either that or get a priest to bless your home. You're always welcome to email me, I'll be glad to help any time 😁

[at] Eric-Baal

IN ALL RESPECT, what the heck? Why would someone in their right mind give up to a demon and let it possess them? Possession can lead to a lot of unhealty side affects, and if you're will power is too weak the demon could take over. (And the fact that it's whispering in his ear that it wants to kill him makes it even worse.) I've been possessed and it's not good at all. Please don't say something like that. It could lead to problems for the person that takes that advice 😐

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