I'm looking for any help or insight into my daughters. I've witnessed some interesting things, and I would like to know as much as possible. My daughters are 19 moths old; they are twin sisters born on August 15, 2008. They are not identical, and they do not even look the same. They are also 3 pounds different in weight, so I'm not sure it's just a "twin thing". When one of my daughters were born, my husband mentioned that her "aura" was being "projected." That right there was my first encounter with anything remotely resembling paranormal. Her sister doesn't seem to have the same quality.
Since then, I have seen them look at each other, and then one of them takes action. I believe them to be speaking to each other telepathically. I also believe that my littlest one can read my mind sometimes and also the mind of her 3-month-old brother. When I was at the end of my pregnancy, we were going in to the hospital to get a test to see if the baby was ready to be born, since he was big, and I was going to have a c-section anyway, it was best to get him born as soon as possible. Two or three days before the test, my little one came up to my belly, started patting it, and saying "baby all done." Usually she wouldn't string these words together. The girls knew of my large belly as "baby" and they knew the phrase "all done" usually in relation to eating, as in, "Are you all done with your food?" It was a rare thing she did that day, and I said to her, "Yes I hope the baby is all done." Sure enough, when we went in for the test, they told me he was ready to be born. After that, I was so busy with preparations that I didn't think about it again for quite some time.
Since my girls are twins they do almost everything together. Once, one of the girls had to go to the doctor, and the littlest one didn't. She and I stayed home together with her younger brother while her dad took her sister to the doctor. Typically we all leave together; this was the first time she stayed and her sister went. She was so sad, I could tell. She didn't cry, she just looked on as her sister put her coat on and left with her dad. She was so sad, and I was trying to cheer her up, but I just couldn't. It felt like she made the whole room sad. I felt her pain from being separated from her sister. After a few minutes she felt better and the feeling passed, but it felt like she projected her feelings into the room. That was the only time she's ever done that, but it's also the only time she's been without her sister like that as well.
I really feel like my daughter has a "gift" you could call it, but she does things I can't do. I'm just looking for some answers or insight into this. I don't think she's an indigo child because she doesn't seem to read my feelings, she projects her feelings to me.
Any help is greatly appreciated.